A Poetic Moment

I feel like a child waiting for Christmas morning right now. Only I am no child and my Christmas morning that I am waiting for is getting to go home tomorrow from Logan for a few weeks. Tomorrow is going to last forever and it will seem like an eternity until I get to hold Bryan in my arms again. I cannot sleep at all being this is the last night in this dorm room for a little while. I know that the time home will just fly by. I love being home and spending my time with Bryan. He is so good to me and I love him so much. You know you are lonely when you feel like you are the moon. The moon in the middle of no where so far from anything but so close to everything you love but cannot be with what you love. As I lay here in my dorm room with only my Beatles poster to keep me company, I cannot help but think what it like to have the warmth of love in the bed next to me. Having Bryan even just sleeping next to me is something that I took for granted while I lived at home. Ever since living in Logan it has been harder and harder each week to leave and come back up here. Do not get me wrong. I have made some excellent friends and I love my classes and the school is a great school. I just miss what I used to have at my finger tips everyday. Getting to come home everyday after work and school to a house full of barks and wagging tails so excited just to see me. It was an honor to spend two minutes in the yard playing with the dogs and they loved every minute of it. Getting to cook a home cooked meal for two and taking Bryan his dinner every night. Getting to spend 10 minutes talking in the parking lot of Bryan's work, teasing and loving each others company. Getting to sit in the comfort of my front room with such a warm cozy feeling filling my soul with comfort. Taking the most relaxing baths and showers in our tiny shower and tub. Curling up next to the one I love so much and being able to throw my arm over him anytime I wanted. Getting to see my family and friends in just a short 15 minutes anytime wanted. I never knew what lonely was until I moved away from home and everything I love so much. People tell me all the time that it must be hard to be away from home and my husband. They have no idea how hard it is. If it were not for my loving supporting husband and family, I would not be where I am today. I owe them everything and I cannot wait to get to spend more time with them. And now to close and hopefully get some sleep. "To be with you tomorrow gives me the strength to go on with today."

Wow. Too much going on.

Sorry that I have literally sucked at updating this blog lately. I have not been able to take any pictures and life has been a little crazy the past few weeks. We had our last show in Bozeman, MT for the equestrian team for the year. It was a blast. I only got to ride once on Sunday but it was still fun. Everyone on the team is so much fun to be around and I have been able to make some good friends. I took 5th in my class. I felt like my ride though, was awesome. That was seriously the best ride I have had yet. I feel like I have improved some since joining the team and learning a little more horse control, balance, and leg strength that it is becoming more natural for me to ride English saddle. I have loved it. I am excited for the next semester as well. It will be interesting and I have more classes that are animal based which will be more fascinating to me. I still have to take the second semester of organic chemistry and physics which sucks but I also get to take animal anatomy and physiology (which I have already passed with flying colors human anatomy and physiology, so I have a good system down for those subjects), sheep/ovine production, and hopefully if I can add it a horse health course which would be awesome and give a total of 17 credit hours next semester as well. Also I will get to ride more with the team too so it will be fun. I am definitely looking forward to the break though. Finals are next week and needless to say Bryan and I are starting to cram and stress out to prepare for the exams. Bryan has done great this semester in making sure that all of his assignments have gotten turned in and studying for his exams. I am so proud of my husband. He has stepped it up a lot in the school department and I am so happy to be with him. He is so great to me even when he keeps me up until 2 am helping him with a paper he needed help writing. He is trying so hard and I can see it. I hate so much being away from him and it will be so nice to have three weeks with him. Assuming I survive the next week okay. I have my organic chemistry final and physics final on the same day one right after the other. It is starting to stress me out a little at this point. Those are my two more intensive courses this semester and it is hard to make such a huge transition in just ten minutes. We will see how I do and all I can do is my best. I am excited for Christmas but not so much my birthday. I will be 26 on Christmas day and it is a little weird to think I am closer to 30 now than 20. Time flies when you are happy. That is right I am happy. I know that I am sad all the time while I am away from Bryan but I love being with him and how supportive him and my family are and I could not ask for more. I feel like my life has more meaning and everyday I love them all more and more. Darcy is expecting and her belly is starting to get bigger. I cannot wait to find out what she is having. Her and Danny are just stringing us along and waiting until he last minute to find out what they are having which is silly because I would so buy the baby Fisher a Christmas gift if I could. I guess I will just have to wait. I wish so badly that Bryan and I could start our own family but with finances tight and me living in Logan and Bryan in Salt Lake, it would not be wise to start now. I cannot wait to though. I think about it all the time and I want to be a mom so bad. Just to have such a blessing in our lives. We are so happy I know a little bundle of joy would complete the happiness. Well I will update on how we do on our finals when grades post.

Montana and the holidays

So Montana was good but a little disappointing for the equestrian team trip. I have made it a goal to try and improve at each show to place better in the show from the previous one, have better rides, and learn new things. I definitely learned new things with this trip to Mizzoula, Montana. Montana is beautiful. I got to drive and it was in the afternoon as we were making our way through beautiful Montana. I have never seen so many different places along the side of the road that were ideal for fly fishing. The mountains were breathtaking and they were surrounding. The cold was worth the trip for sure just to get to see and experience all that is Montana. The hotel we stayed at was better from previous years from what I understand but our room was a little questionable. We had no hot water, a broken lock on the door, and the fan in the bathroom would growl at you as you went to the bathroom. Also dust particles and some other kind of particle would fall down from the light every time you were in there. It was crazy. The shows were okay. We did have one jumper fall off but she was alright other than some crooked glasses and a sore body for the following week. I did okay in my shows. I felt like I could have ridden much better and I hate that feeling. I like succeeding and riding to the best of my ability. Something I learned in the following practice was horse control. I have been lacking on the horse control subject to this point because I have not ridden any horses that had any problems. But on my first horse I got for the show, since we were the first ones to ride, he did not want to slow down. I needed to learn how to hold a horse back and is something that I have now mastered thanks to Trixie, the teams paint horse that I got to ride. My second horse was part of a draft pair of horses and the other paired horse was in the same class being ridden so every time she got up right next to her partner she would slow down and fight me if I wanted her to move on. The last horse I had was great and I had a wonderful ride. Until some silly girl from another college would not stop riding right behind my horse. Etiquette at horse shows that if a horse has a red ribbon tied in the horses tail that means the horse kicks if you get behind it and my cute little pony had a red ribbon so when she kept riding right behind me and even though I tried to avoid her, my horse bucked. I almost ended up on the ground and then my horse was upset and kept backing up trying to kick more. She would not move forward and that hurt my chances I feel a little because I had a great ride before and even after the incident. Some judges will judge on the horses performance as well. It was a fun trip though and I really enjoy everyone that is on the team. We all have fun and they are all really great to be around. I have made some fun and excellent friends and I am so glad I decided to join the team.

The holidays are coming up and it will be so much fun. Since Thanksgiving is next week I do not have school on Wednesday through Friday. I get to spend time with my friend Brie and her kids on Wednesday and we are going to do crafts, get lunch, and just hang out which will be nice. I miss seeing her and her adorable family. She is so much fun to be around and I am happy she is going to be hanging out with me. Being in Logan is hard and I miss everyone so much. I get to spend Thanksgiving with my family and my grandma, aunt and uncle, and cousins will be coming down for Thanksgiving. It will so much fun to see and hang out with Grandma, Pat, Bryce, Nick, and Andrea. I am excited too because it will be the first time that Darcy will be cooking for us. Well we are all bringing something and I am not sure what Darcy has left to cook but it will be great. I am looking forward to the end of the semester and it should be a good one.

Well once I have photo shop back on the laptop I will post some cool pictures of the jumpers at the show.


 A weekend ago Bryan and I got the opportunity to go up to Blackfoot, ID and shadow the ranch owner, Rance Butler. Rance is a beef cattle owner who makes his living off of the cattle he raises, breeds, and cares for. My aunt Pat is friends with Rance and organized the whole trip for us to go. I got to ride Weezie my aunt's horse. The trip we got to go on was a trip up to the reservation land that is just outside of Blackfoot. Rance was pushing the cattle from the reservation land that he pays to have his cattle on for the summer to his land in Blackfoot. We first got on the horses and rode through the land sweeping for any cattle that had gotten missed from the day before ride. We then pushed the cattle down to the road and to a corral just off the road. The cows were actually mixed with another ranch owners cattle and so while the cows were in the corral they went through and separated the cattle. They then drove the cattle further down the road to more land that Rance was leasing. After we drove the cattle from the hills I actually joined Bryan in the truck since the horse I was riding was a little hyped up and my aunt Pat needed to ride her down. We then went home and had dinner and slept. We really did not get a lot of sleep so it was nice to go to bed early and sleep in late the next day. We then had some excellent breakfast at Stan's and it was oh so good. It was two big scones, 5 pieces of bacon, hashbrowns, and two eggs. It was so good. We then came home after getting a call that the dogs had gotten out of the yard again. It was a great trip for sure.

 Just some country side along the drive. 

Bryan got to drive the beer truck. After we stopped for lunch and for the cows to get separated, everyone rode off and left us with a truck that was dead. It took 6 Native Americans, some jumper cables and some tools and we got it started again. It was really nice of the Native Americans to stop and they were so friendly.

Above is some of the cowboys and Native Americans riding up to the corral to separate the cows.

 Some cows just chillin on the side of the road.


Well this last weekend was definitely not a fun one. The fence at our house in the back yard was done so poorly that it was no surprise that the fence finally had mostly fallen down. Well this week it got worse so it turned into a last minute project that needed to get done. Bryan and I had to tear down, re-dig the holes, and completely put up the fence again. I will post pictures of the end product soon but it was definitely not an easy task.

A quick update

Well have not blogged as soon as I wanted to this week but it has been a crazy week. Monday had an assignment due so I got up at 7:00 am and spent the whole day at the school until 8:30 pm with classes, research, and getting the assignment done and turned in. Tuesday I got to sleep in a little because I took an exam last week so that I would not have to take it this week. But the day did not end early, instead it went straight from 12:30 pm to 10:30 pm. I had classes until 4:30 pm and then dashed like a mad woman to riding practice at where I got to be a part of the group that had to stay late and wait for the horses that we rode for practice to cool down. Since it is cold outside we cannot just ride them and then let them out into their outside stalls. But instead we have to keep them inside the area until they completely cool down before turning them out. Wednesday I had class all day, went straight to work, and then I came straight back to the school for a review session for the Organic Chemistry test I had today. This is some confusing stuff for sure. Which then I got home about 9:30 pm and started studying for the midterm exam that I had in Animal Science on Thursday. I got up at 6:30 am to study for the midterm, went to classes and took the midterm, stayed after my last class to attend another review session for the organic chemistry test and went home to study more and more for the organic chemistry test. It is crazy how much studying it took to get prepared for the exam. I even got up at 6:30 am again today to study before going in for the test. I still do not feel like I was completely prepared but I felt like I did alright on both exams. I will have to find out for sure before feeling too good about it.

Last weekend was a total blast for sure. I got some pictures and I will have to post them later because I do not have my camera with me at this time but I got to go to Idaho and ride with my Aunt Pat and her friend Rance Butler. I got to follow Rance around and asked him all sorts of questions. I got to ride Weezie, my Aunt's paint horse, and after a while I ended sitting in the truck with Bryan and my Aunt rode Weezie for a while. It was so much fun and so cool to get to ask and apply questions to everything that I have learned already. I have learned so much from my animal dairy and vet science classes that I have got to take this semester and it was interesting to see it applied in real life and see some of the hands on. I really want to go into bovine (cow) science. I have changed from horses just because I love horses but I have fallen in love with cattle too. I think they are so interesting and complicated. It is crazy to think of all the processes that take place in a cows place and I would love to get to work with these gentle beasts. Bryan got to come with me as well and it was great to have him there. I love getting to spend any time that I can with him. I am excited to see him again this weekend. I only have two more classes today before I get to drive home, see Bryan, see my doggies, and hopefully maybe get some work done in the back yard.

First Equestrian Team Shows in Dillon, MT

This last weekend was a lot of fun and definitely a new experience for me. I have never gotten to compete in a riding show competition before but I got to this last weekend. I am on the Utah State University Equestrian Team as a walk/trot rider. That means that my class that I compete in one that we walk, sit trot, and post trot. It is a lot of fun. You first get to start by drawing a horse's name out of hat. These horses that we ride when we travel to other colleges or universities are the college or university's horses and the first time that anyone on the team gets to ride them. I drew a horse that called Chinook and she was a paint/draft horse mix. She was huge but so much fun to ride. She was smooth to trot with and very easy to get responses from. The only thing was that she was green meaning that she has not been ridden for a long time yet and she is still learning her balance while a rider is on her so she swayed back and forth just a little. But all in all she was a great horse and I really enjoyed getting to ride her. I actually drew her out of the hat for both of the shows that we got to show. This was definitely to my advantage. I got a good horse both shows. I placed third in the first and second show. I know I could have done better in the second show but I was so distracted with all the other riders and trying to avoid them colliding with me. Some of the riders in the walk/trot class are not the best at steering and control of their horse and will cut you off causing you to break gate. Breaking gate means that if you are trotting slowing down to a walk or if you are walking stop all together and you are constantly being judged while in the arena and breaking gate is a no no. The judges judge you on how you ride, respond to the horse, and how pretty you look doing it. I get to wear tight breeches which are the pants for English riding, a show shirt with a collar, and a jacket. Not to mention the oh so wonderful full half leg field boots that go up to your knees. I think I look pretty good in it all for sure. I cannot wait to see the pictures that the rest of the team took and hopefully put them up here soon. Below is a photo of both my ribbons.

 Another thing that I forgot to mention is how you actually move up from one class to the next. The classes start from beginner to advanced. They are (beginning with beginner) walk/trot, walk/trot/canter beginner, walk/trot/canter advanced, intermediate, novis, and open. Then from there anyone from novis to open can actually compete in the jumping portion as well. To move up in your class you need to earn 36 points. Points are obtained by placings that are obtained in each show. Since I placed third in both of my classes I earned 8 points. On my way for sure. I would love to point up and get to compete with the canter. 

A few weeks ago was Bryan and I's 4 year wedding anniversary. Bryan was sweet enough to send me some flowers at Logan even though we were apart. They were so beautiful and some of my favorites. My hubby is such a sweety. Below are some photos of the beautiful wonderful flowers that were waiting for me at my room when I got back from class on September 15th.

I found some photos that I had taken recently of Gretchen. I really miss her while I have been here in Logan. I miss her sweet personality and her feisty side as well. She is so cute and I love her to death.

Well I am very excited for our next show in November at Bozeman, MT and I really hope to improve massively by then to place even higher in my classes. I am also very excited to go home and see Bryan this weekend. It has been too long. Since I went to Montana this last weekend I did not get to go home and see him so it will be very nice to be able to go home. If only I can make it through the week. I still have tons of homework to do, work on Wednesday cleaning someones home (not my favorite job but it was all I could find in Logan), and two quizzes to take before the weekend. The only reason that I am even up as late as it is, is because I needed to finish my physics assignment that is due tonight before 1 am. Man, gotta love college.

Movie Updates

Well I have not updated on the recent movies I have watched recently. I have finally been catching up more on the movies that every tells me I should watch and so some of these are a little older of movies but now I can see I have seen some of the classics that everyone seems to love. There are some newer ones too and one television series that I have just fallen in love with.

Cherry was defintiely a different show. It is kind of a weird one where this brilliant teenage goes to an ivy league school while he is only 17. He is following in his families footsteps by going into engineering while his heart is really in the passion of art. He falls in love with an older woman in one of his art classes who does not have her head or anything for that matter together. I liked the story line and acting quite well. It does not move very fast though and did have some dull moments. It was different but I did enjoy the characters and complexity of their emotions.

Brokeback Mountain was a little awkward to watch at parts and a little uneasy but I can see why it won so many awards. It has very complex characters and you feel the pain of the two love struck cowboys. To live a life of duplicity and lies is not easy for either one of these guys after they become romantic on a mountain while attending to herding sheep. They part their ways and live their lives with wifes and children while all the while sneaking away every now and then to be together. It is a good show and I loved the many different characters and the actors and actresses chosen were perfect.

Another movie that was a little awkward to watch at parts but again I just feel in love with the characters and felt like the actors did great. Jim Carrey is hilarious no matter what part he is playing. He plays the character of a con artist so well that while serving a sentence in prison he comes across and falls in love with Phillip, Ewan McGregor's character. They finally get out and live together but Jim Carrey continues con his way through their relationship. It is a fun show with a lot of humor. It is different to watch the characters and how they develop but all in all I enjoyed it.

Well, I must admit I am a fan of South Park. I always have been but I have never seen all the episodes all the way through. I am in the process of watching all of these hilarious episodes on Netflix. I love Cartman so much. He is so funny and just the most random things happen to him. I love his infamous saying of  "Screw you guys, I'm going home." My cousin Rich inspired me to try and watch them all and it has been a success and I have just finished season 3. Season 4 here I come.

I know that many have not heard of this before and could easily be confused with couples retreat. This is actually a christian version of the show and I really enjoyed it. I love watching movies with good messages and that encourage strengthening your relationship with God and those around you. I loved the characters and how each of them was really their own. No two characters were alike and I enjoyed how they kept making sure to let both sides of a relationship see both sides. Even when you think you are right on a matter with your spouse, there is a chance you are probably wrong.

I loved this movie. It was great! I love the action, the acting, and the whole feel and approach that the creators took to it. I am a huge fan of the main actor anyways because I saw him in Legion and loved him in that. It is the same type of role and he plays them so well. I love the use of excellent actors and actresses and how in depth the story goes. I feel like it was a little short and it did set it up for a sequel which I actually hope that they do make another.

Definitely an older movie for sure but everyone has always told me that I need to see this film so I did. I loved it. It is so twisted and dark that you do not realize just how much everything and everyone is tied together. I loved the actors and actresses in this movie. They did really good and I recommend this show to anyone who has not seen it. Not for the children or light hearted for sure but a great movie and must see at least once in your life time.

This was not my favorite of the one that everyone told me I needed to see in that it was a classic. It was okay. Perhaps it is because I grew up in a different era and don't really think to admire these pot heads and their antics. This is one I would not probably recommend to anyone and it is a little choppy in the plot and jumps a lot.

Bryan and I watched Sucker Punch last night actually and it was really good. It keeps you guessing what is acutally going on and the action scenes in it were great. I really enjoyed each of the characters too. The girls are so complex and you really cannot figure out what is really going on with each process. It does get a little confusing at first but you start to figure it out. I loved how each of the battle scenes really had some different aspect to it. It was a mix of modern, old school, and medieval. It was great and I recommed to see it for sure.

Bryan is the one that has turned me onto the Modern Family. I have only been able to see Season 1 but it is hilarious. Gloria has to be my favorite character in the bunch. She is so much fun to watch and she is just so full of spunk and grit. I love her. All the characters though are really great. I love how each of them are tied together. It is great to see old Ted Bundy playing the terrible dad again. I love the actor and I think he is great for his role. The younger and older sister kind of remind me of me and my sister when we were younger. A must see and I will definitely be starting season 2 this next week.

Just an update on us past the whole movies, we are doing great. I am really not looking forward to going back to Logan this week because it will be two weeks until I get to come home again. I am on the equestrian team at Utah State and our first show is this coming Saturday and Sunday and we will not be back in time for me to come home. It will be hard for sure.
School is going well and the stress is really starting to build since the tests are now starting up. I had one in Physics last week and have two coming up this next week. We are a quarter of the way done with the semester though and that is good news. Hopefully I can take some photos of the show and get them posted on here.

4 Years Ago Today

4 years ago today, I remember it well. It was a day that changed my life for the better. I awoke early (3:30 am early) to take a short drive to Magna, a basement of a home where one Hollie Ellis spent close to two hours curling, pinning, and using massive amounts of hairspray on my hair. After finishing with the glamoring of my hair, I headed back home to complete a huge list that I had made the night before. I finished packing, made some necklaces for some special ladies, had breakfast, made sure I had money, passports, tickets, itinerary, spent about 45 minutes having my eyebrows plucked by my loving cousin Laura, got my dress, shoes, jewelry, and so much more together in one spot. Soon my girls having their hair finished and arriving we started to load everyone in the cars. It was already 1:15 pm at this time and the morning went by so quickly. At this point I had one had two basted eggs and a few sips of orange juice. We loaded into Megan's car and made our way towards the capital. We arrived just in time to run around the back of the church and hide while they tried to open the church. That is right. We could not get the church open and we had to wait about 20 minutes before we could get it opened. We then made the frantic dance of chaos to get every girl into her dress, makeup on, and shoes buckled. They then all focused on getting me into my dress which did not take long. Makeup applied, veil in place, and flowers in hand I was ready. We walked around to the front of the church and lined up. The procession started and all the ladies and gentleman started their walk down the aisle. My dad met me at the door of the church, I took his arm and we headed down the aisle, giggling at our terrible rhythm and walking in unison skills. There he stood at the front of the church and he was the only thing I remember seeing. I did not even notice the decorations, or even the other people there (sorry no offense). All I saw was Bryan and he was there. He wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with him. I choked back the tears and took some deep breaths as we took each others hands and said our I dos. It was wonderful. Since then life may not always be perfect but it is so worth living now that Bryan is by my side and always in my heart. I do not remember a whole lot after that I just mainly remember everything leading up to the moment that we both committed to one another and the past four years have seemed a blur. I love Bryan and all that he is. He has his imperfections just as I do but I love him for his personality, smile, and imperfections. He makes me feel that life is complete and my soul is no longer searching for something missing. Nothing is missing.
        The only thing that is missing today, is Bryan. He is in Salt Lake while I am in Logan today. It sucks to be away from him on our anniversary. I miss him like mad while I am here and there is not enough time when we are together. So happy four years to my hubby, snuggle bug, and pumpkin bear. Here is to the next four years and hopefully they are as memorable as the time we have already spent together. I love you so much for everything that you are, what you stand for, and how well you treat me. I know we can weather any storm. If I know what love is, it is because of you.

The day our lives were completed.

What a GREAT Weekend!

Bryan and I had a great weekend. We got to go up to Blackfoot, ID for the Easter Idaho State Fair. It was so much fun. Friday afternoon Bryan drove up and picked me up from school before we headed to Idaho. We went to my grandma's where we had some excellent salmon, potatoes and green peas, Grandma's infamous rolls, and fried okra. It was so yummy! I also got to go for a short horse ride as well down a small lane on old Black Jack with my aunt Pat. It was fun. We called it an early night for the next's days festivities. We got up early and headed to the fair. We watched the barrel racing, the pole racing, and the costume contest for the horses. It was so much fun to see the creativity that each owner put into their horse. There was a horse that was dressed as the big bad wolf and two cute little girls on the horse dressed as little piggies and their mom leading the horse, was dressed as a piggy as well. They all were carrying a different thing such as the bundle of sticks, some hay, and some bricks. One team had a donkey, dressed their kid as puss in boots, and then mom and dad dressed as Princess Fiona and Shrek. It was awesome. The winner of the contest my aunt Pat actually knew and they did a great job. They dressed their little boy in camo and so did the dad. The horse they took camo tent covering and covered the horse and put cat tails and weeds in it to camoflauge the horse. It was so cool.
      After all the events with the horses we went and actually got to see the horse races. I even bet on a few of the ponies. I did not win anything but it was fun and I learned some new things. It was so intense to see the horses racing down the raceway. It was fun and new. We also got to see the indian relay races. It is were they race their horses a full 5 furlongs but they do it bareback. It was insane. The girl that won was full dead running her horse. I could not believe she even stayed on. It was different but very exciting to watch.
      After that we went and took it easy at Grandma's house before going to the demolition derby that night. We ended up meeting up with Rich, my cousin, and watched the derby with him. I have to admit it was not as good as it has been in past years. There was not a lot of hard hits and it was so long inbetween each heat that it kind of got boring. We then went to Grandma's again for some home made oooo so yummy ice cream. It was so good. Some of the best ice cream I have ever had. We then went back to Aunt Pat's house for the night. We got a little late and then talked with Aunt Pat until it was time to head out. We stopped and said goodbye to Grandma and stopped in Pocatello to have lunch with Nick, Andrea, and Rich before Bryan dropped me back off in Logan and heading back home.
        It was a great weekend but really seemed too short. I love spending time with Bryan and there does not seem to be enough hours in the day when we are together but too many when we are apart. I am again counting down the days until I see him again this weekend.

Great weekend, slow week, and more to come

        Well the three day weekend went by way too fast for sure. It was so nice to get to go home after the first week at school. Classes are finally starting to get a little more interesting and I really am liking the animal dairy and veterinary science classes the best (abb. ADVS). They are just different from what I am used to and it so much fun to get to actually discuss cattle, horses, swine, sheep and all the different aspects that are involved in them and how it affects the economy and the country as a whole. It is crazy but the United States has the least amount of active members in agriculture in the world. That just seems insane to me. For the weekend I got to go to dinner Friday night with my parents and Bryan's aunts, Roxie and Suzie, and Uncle Lee. My parents are going on an Alaskan cruise and they had to meet with everyone going to get itineraries and information for the big trip. My parents actually leave next week and are gone for two weeks. I think they will enjoy the trip though and it should be fun for them. They do not get to go do things as a couple very often so I am excited for them. Plus they always bring back excellent souvenirs. Then on Saturday we got up and went to the Annual Sheepdog Competition at Soldier Hollow. It was such a good time. We got to see these amazing and well trained dogs run sheep down the mountain side and through gates and back up and back down then seperate the sheep before putting them in a pen. They had to do this without the owners help and the owner could only make calls from a post at the bottom of the hill. We also got to see the jumping/diving dogs and their amazing skills at jumping into the pool. It is crazy how far they could get with each leap. I cannot even come close to jumping that far. We also got to see some demonstrations which were really fun. We saw sled dogs (Alaskan Malamutes) and how they are hooked up to sleds and the commands they get to hear. We also saw a demonstration from the Sandy Police K-9 Unit. It was so cool and it is amazing how great these dogs are and commands they are given. I thought it was so cool how the main purpose and objective of the dog is to protect the officer. They would have the dog pursue a bad guy and then pretend to attack the officer and the dog was twice as fast running back to the officer than pursuing the bad guy. It was a lot of fun. Sunday was the usual, sleep in, go to mom and dad's for dinner and True Blood followed by games. A great Sunday for sure. Then Monday due to the holiday, my mom and I got to go out to Vista Farms again and ride for another hour. We both got to canter this time which was great. We also got to ride on two new horses. I got Scottie and mom got to ride Beau. It was a blast. I miss riding horses so much and I am so glad and priviledged to get to ride again.
         Well the week is already moving at the rate of a snail but at least I am half way to getting to see Bryan again. Bryan is meeting me up here on Friday and we are then driving the rest of the way to Blackfoot, ID for the State Fair and some fun time. Bryan and I enjoyed it so much the last time we went we decided we needed to go again. There will be a demolition derby, fair food, animals and a barn dance to follow. My aunt Pat wants to take me riding as well so that will be interesting. I am excited for the fun filled weekend ahead and hopefully remember to take a camera this time and get some photos of our adventures.

Hooray for tomorrow

Well tomorrow I will be able to see the hubby again. This has been the hardest week of my life thus far. It has been hard not to just give in and drive home for just one night. I have missed the hubby this week and I cannot wait to see him again. Being apart makes me realize how much I have with him and how much he means to me. Not only do I love being with him but he makes my days complete. I cannot wait and it will be wonderful to see him. I just hope I can keep this up for as long as I need to. I have missed my family too. It has been hard to be away from everything that I love and cherish. I cannot wait to see my family either which I will get to see them tomorrow for dinner with Bryan's aunts and uncles. We will have a good time for sure.

An Update

So I have officially moved to Logan. It has not been an easy ride so far. I did not do too well the first day with the major change of going to school full time and leaving my home to live here during the week. I feel a little alone being here all by myself and I literally know no one. The only times I do not feel alone is when I think of Bryan and my family and when I get to talk with them. I miss them like mad already. I miss my bed especially. The building I am living in does not have air conditioning and it has been so hot the past few days I have not been able to sleep with anything on me. I have found that if I sleep with next to nothing on, leave the windows open, and at times have to climb onto the floor, I can stay cool enough for a little bit to nap. I have really missed having Bryan next to me at night. I wake up all night and look to try and find him next to me. It is so weird not to sleep next to him. We have talked everyday and make it a point to talk to each other last each night. I still miss him. I love hearing his voice but I really want to see his face and feel his warmth next to me especially at night. Starting to tear up a bit....
Well, I have met my room mates and Maria is really nice but the other I have not gotten much of a chance to talk to. Her name is WanChen and I have only seen her once in the apartment. She did not seem to happy to meet me when I did but since she is not there very often maybe that is for the best. Each night I have been really bored so last night I actually went for a walk. It was a long one and when I figured out how far it was it was 5.4 miles. I walked down to the college store then over to the football field. Then I walked all the way down to Logan main street and down it for a while before walking back up to my dorm. I enjoyed getting out and it was nice to see what is near me. I really cannot wait for the week to be over though. My teachers all seem real nice and reasonable but we will see when test time comes. I am really excited for my animal dairy and veterinary science classes. They will be a lot of fun it seems like. The organic chemistry and physics I cannot say the same for. The classes are so huge and they will be pretty homework and study intensive.

Big news to share is that Darcy is expecting. I will be an aunt soon and I cannot wait for the bundle of joy to get here so I can spoil it. I love my sister so much and I am so excited for her. It will be an interesting 9 months for sure. We were told Saturday night before I left. It was such a great time. I am totally stoked!

Day 30

Day 30: Who are You?

I am Brittney Austin, daughter of Randy and Celinda Campbell, wife to a wonderful husband Bryan Austin, sister to Darcy and Danny Fisher, cousin to many, mom to my cats and dogs, lover to Bryan Austin, and just an all around strange yet normal person. I am an avid animal lover, someone who respects those who stand for more than just vanity, a student, a pharmacy technician, a woman with a lot of goals, and friend to many individuals. I love who I am and even though I am not perfect, not always selfless, and not always the more intelligent person in the room, I love being who I am and would not change it. It is through my mistakes and imperfections that I am formed into who I am and will be for the rest of my life.

Day 29

Day 29: In This Past Month What Have You Learned

I have learned that life is not always easy and full of easy choices. It has not been easy to leave my wonderful job, home, and husband in Salt Lake while I live in Logan for school. I have learned that I have the best parents, husband, and family that surround me and care for me so much. I can never thank them enough for all that they do. I will never be able to express in words how much I care and love for them all. I love them all so much I would do anything for them and all they would have to do is just ask. I have learned that even though I took on the responsibilities of a wife it does not mean I know how to be independent. I have only had two evenings thus far since moving to Logan to myself and I have gotten pretty depressed both nights because I am not used to not having someone to care for other than myself. I miss cooking dinners for Bryan and seeing him when I got to take them to him every night. I miss watching my dogs play in the yard in the evenings and how excited they get to see me spying in on them. I miss Gretchen waking my up in the morning with a warm purr right on my head. I have learned that even though I have always been grateful for what I have and those around me, I still feel like I really took advantage of having them all.

Day 28

Day 28: How you Have Changed Since Last Year

I have changed quite a bit since last year. Last year at this time I was still working two jobs, going to school part time, going through a rough patch with Bryan and his unemployment situation. Now we are a lot happier. Bryan is working full time at a good job that he enjoys, getting good pay and stability (which is something huge we did not have last year), benefits, I am now only working as needed for Homecare until I can find a part time job up here in Logan, I am now living in Logan during the week, I am a full time student pursuing my long time dream of a veterinarian, I have lost a little weight, still working on losing more weight, I have let my hair grow out long (something I have not done since I was ten), and Bryan and I are getting along better and enjoying being married to one another. I love it all so much. Life is frightening right now being that this is my first week to a school away from home and this is the first time that I have ever been on my own. I have had nothing but wonderful support and comfort from Bryan and my family. It is amazing to have such wonderful people that surround me at home. I love my husband so much and my family for all that they do. I am the luckiest girl alive because of it.

Day 27

Day 27: Why Are you Doing This 30 Day Challenge

I decided to do the challenge in an attempt to be more pro-active about blogging. I feel like blogging is something that people have not had in past times and to take advantage of the amazing opportunity of technology that we have today. I want to share more of what goes on in Bryan and mines life and how we are not totally hermits. We do a lot of things we just do not share them a whole lot with others and this is something I really want to work on. Also I feel like getting my thoughts out either on blog or pages is healthy and it can help me stay sane. Well as sane as I can get. I still a little crazy in me. Like while driving to Logan for my first week of classes I was laughing so hard and crying at the same time for the stupidest thing in the world and I am sure that people driving past me thought I was totally nuts. The good news is I can still laugh at my jokes, even when I am alone.

Day 26

Day 26: What do You Think About Your Friends

I love my friends. I love hanging out with them and just getting to know them more and more. I have always been one to have friends that are close and not so many of them. I love having people that I know I can depend on and that are always there for me. Friends are wonderful to have.

Day 25

Day 25: What I Would Find in Your Bag

Let's see. I had to actually grab my purse to figure out what I had in there. Now I do not want to reveal anything valuable in my purse so those items I will omit from this post. You would find about a dozen pens, a miniature leatherman, mouthwash, eye drops, Nasonex, Excedrin Migraine, about three different types of chapstick, a pack of Orbits cinnamint gum, my keys, a dog tag, a couple dog treats, a dog poop bag, an EpiPen, some change, toothpicks, a small hand lotion bottle, about a dozen hair things, two sets of earbud headphones, a TI-83 calculator, a lighter, two smurf figurines, my phone, about three or four receipt, my sunglasses, and a bag of dimes.

Day 24

Day 24: A Letter to Your Parents

Dear Mom and Dad,
What can I say? You are the best parents and I would not trade you for the world. You mean so much to me. I love you so much. I know that as a child I was not always easy to handle and pushed you to the very brink of insanity. That makes you even more amazing. You have withstood me over the years and all that is Brittney. You shared so much with me and somethings not too great to share. My sarcasm, my drama, my pain, my medical issues, my passions, my loves, my worries, my happiness, my peace, my joy, and my laughter. I could never ask for better parents. If it were not for you both, I would not be able to pursue my dreams and desires. You help me keep my head above the water that at times seem to be drowning me. You are always there for Darcy and I. I can talk with either one of you free from persecution. I share with you my deepest thoughts, worries, and hopes and dreams. Mom, we may not have been super close as I went through the teenage nightmare years. But you were great. You did not let me stray from what is good and right and you helped me through some of the toughest years of my life thus far. You are wonderful to talk to and you are such an amazing woman and mother, I can only hope to be as great as you are someday when I have children. There are false idols in this world that many would idolize. But I idolize you. Your strength, your beauty, your love that makes you, you. I love you so much and I love that you are my mother. Dad, we share a bond of humor and laughter that has kept me hopeful and optimistic for years. I apply your saying of "Don't worry, the poop will fall out," to my daily life and it has helped me through hard times. You show me strength and hope with your attitude and grace. You are a wonderful man and father and I love that you are my dad.
I realize that someday, you will not be here and that time is an ever creeping monster ready to snatch you from me someday. I will be lost without you both. I do not even know what to think that life would be like without you both. I cannot see a world without you both in it. The years have been so wonderful with you both. I love the love, passion, and devotion that you have put into your daughters and we are grateful. I cannot express in enough words how much I love you both and how grateful I am for all that you do and the life you have provided for me. It may taken me a few years, but I now see how wonderful you are. It is true what they say about not appreciating your parents when you are young. But now that I have grown and matured, I can say that I see now all that you have done for me, and I thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for being yourselves, and thank you for being my parents.


Day 23

Day 23: Something you Crave for A Lot.

I crave salty foods a lot. I love chips, pickles, french fries, and pretty much anything that has a lot of salt in it. Which is not a good thing for my body one bit. I once had a body diagnostic test and I was told that due to the high amount of salt that I was intaking at time, that my body was retaining about 20 pounds extra water than what it needed. I have downed my salt intake since then but still eat way more than I should. I really hate it when I crave salty too. It is never anything good for me that can cure the craving. Someday, I hope to tackle my cravings and live a much healthier life.

Day 22

Day 22: What Makes you Different from Everyone Else

I would have to say that my sense of humor, personality, and quick wit is what makes me different from everyone else. I love to laugh and laugh to the fullest. I love smiling. I enjoy telling jokes and I have my own unique personality that I have never met anyone to have the same. The only person that has come close to having a similar personality is my cousin Rich, and we have been called twins before, we have very similar physical features as well. He is much funnier than I for sure but we do share the same sense of dry humor. I think life is not worth living if you cannot even laugh at your own jokes, and I always laugh at my jokes (even when I say them and no one is around). That is right, I make jokes while I am by myself and laugh at them. Weird I know, but I just love laughing so much.

Day 21

Day 21: A Picture of Something That Makes you Happy

The wilderness is something that makes me happy for sure. I love being in the outdoors and feeling the sun on my skin. It is the best feeling in the world. The above photo is of Stanley Lake, ID. I love camping in Idaho. There are so many great places with beautiful mountain ranges and hidden beautiful lakes. The mountain range is the Sawtooth Range. It is so beautiful and breath taking when you see it in real life. I used to get to go camping as a little girl with my family at Red Fish Lake just on the other side of the mountains. It is such a fun place to camp and they even have a lodge you can hang out at with a dock that has kayaks, snorkeling gear, and a great spot to even just fish off of the dock. There are lily pad ponds near by you can hike to and horse back riding that goes on to the top of the mountain to see the whole range and surrounding valleys. I love being outside and close to God in my own way.

This Weekend

This weekend has been a good one for sure. I have loved getting to spend time with my family and hubby all weekend. Friday was really nice because I got the day off. It was so much fun just getting to relax with the hubby most of the day after getting a much needed hair cut. It was also my sister's birthday which Darcy can now say she is 30. It is crazy to think she is even that old now and she does not look 30 at all. It seems like yesterday that we were bugging each other and I was following her and her friends around being the annoying younger sister. For Darcy's birthday we had a barbecue at my parents house and had brats, burgers, and pastas. My sister's favorites of course. Then on Saturday the hubby, the sis, the parents, and I all piled in the car and drove to Logan to check me into my housing unit that I will be staying in this year while attending school during the week. We got me mostly moved in and enjoyed food at Angie's a local food joint that had some good food. We then drove home to hang out at the parent's house for a few hours before going out to dinner for the sister's birthday. We got to go to Thai Lotus and it was so yummy. I love curry and it is so good. Then this morning, my mother and I got to go ride horses and got an hour private lesson at a stable out in West Jordan. It had been a deal on Groupon a little while back and it was so much fun. It all came back to me how to ride and I even got to trot and canter. It was so much fun and it made me realize how much I miss riding and being around horses. My legs are definitely sore now but it is well worth the hurt. We then went home and after a much needed shower, we regrouped at the parent's house for more dinner yumminess and True Blood Sunday tradition. It was a great fun weekend and it went by way too fast in my opinion.

Day 20

Day 20: Someone you See Yourself Marrying/Being With in the Future

This is an easy one for me. Bryan. I cannot see my life without him. He is my other half and my everything. I love being around him and getting to spend priceless time with him. He makes me feel like a wonderful person and he laughs at my so stupid jokes all the time. I feel so great with him and he makes me want to be a better person everyday. I love my monkey and cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

Day 19

Day 19: Nicknames you Have and Why you Have Them

There are a few nicknames I have obtained in my 25 years of living. The first one I think I obtained would have to be Indian baby. When I was born, I had slight jaundice, a flat nose, and tons of dark hair. I looked like an Indian baby, literally. You look at my newborn pictures and you would never guess I was caucasian. My grandfather looked at my mom after I came out and said, "Cindy, you have driven through that Indian reservation one too many times." My mom used to live near an Indian reservation and it was a little coincidental. The next nickname that I obtained would be Britt Bratt. My mom gave me this one at a young age. I have always had a smart ass personality even a young age and in an attempt not to swear in front of her young children my mom gave me the nick name of Britt Bratt instead. The next one I had would have to be from Junior High when I was referred to as elf. I was a shortie among giants and so I was given the nick name elf. The most recent nickname that I have obtained was waddles. I know, interesting choice. But there is a great story behind this one. I went with my husband, sister, and brother-in-law a couple of years ago through the Narrows in Zions on the overnight hiking trip. The Narrows is a trail of slot canyons that you walk through and there is a river that you are walking through at the same time. At many places the water gets up to your waist and in a couple spots up to your neck and you have to swim. Well, I do not have the thinnest of legs at all and while walking from in water and out again and many miles, I started to chaff drastically to the point I was bleeding and skin was peeling off in between my legs. To top it off, about 3 miles in I fractored my ankle and so when we finished the hike the next day, needless to stay, I was walking a little funny. We left Zions and stopped in Cedar City for dinner and refreshments. Needless to say, the 45 minute drive from Zions to Cedar City was not good for me at all. When we stopped at the gas station for me to use the restroom, the lactic acid had built so greatly in my legs that every step was agony. I waddled my way painfully from the car into the gas station restroom when I returned, Bryan, Darcy, and Danny were all laughing so hard at my walk that they decided to give the nickname, waddles.

Something Amazing

So, I am not one to usually share these types of experiences but tonight was something so amazing that I have never felt before. I admit that due to the stresses of planning to go to school and leaving my love, family, home and dogs has not been an easy thing for me to do. I must admit I am not very strong when it comes to dealing with a hard situation when dealing with those I love and hold dear. I have never been good at losing those I love and still have a hard time dealing with these things. I have been badly depressed this past two weeks thinking through all that is about to happen and how it is such a big change and not an easy one either. I hate the thought of being away from Bryan so much. We have been inseparable ever since dating and the past almost 4 years of marriage may have had its rough patches but everyday I feel closer and more in love with such a wonderful man. Each night usually after making sure Bryan has food and I am back home I usual want to do something. Sew, clean, or homework. Nothing has been getting done this week at all. This evening seemed worse than others. The fact that someone has been saying things to Bryan behind my back about me and questioning my motives of going to school and that it is all a front to find someone else and get a divorce as soon as I go to school has not been a helpful fact with the crazy wave of sadness that has been following me lately and has seemed to make things worse for me today. I sleep a lot when I am depressed and after a cancelled hair appointment this evening, I went and slept for about three hours tonight. I am not one to do this in a regular evening and it is something I have not done since high school. I felt like poo when I woke up and kind of slothed around the house for another hour or two. I was laying in bed, watching a television show when it all over came me and I just started crying. Something I do not want to admit willingly. I do not like crying and it is one thing I feel is a weakness for me when I am vulnerable. I felt the sudden urge to get on my knees and pray. I cried out my prayers with tear filled eyes, admitting every fear out loud, expressing my concern for Bryan and I and how I feel that he is the one that I want to be with in this life and the next. I want to walk next to God in the next world with Bryan's hand in mine and feel that love for time and all eternity. Tears streamed down my face as I asked for the Lord's strength to help me and help ease my fears and help me to be strong enough to be away from my love, family, home, and dogs. (Cannot forget my pets, they are a big part of my life and the love I feel for them.) Also to give me strength to ignore the lies being said about me and that I had the strength to be the better person. As I sat there, on my knees, in fear for what is right for me to do and my concerns for Bryan and whether or not we can weather the storm about to happen, I had an amazing feeling of ease. I sat there for minutes just taking in the feeling that filled my body. The tears stopped, and all I could say was "Thank you, Lord." My fears have been placed to ease and I feel for the first time in a while that all is well and all is what it is meant to be. This was something too amazing not to share. I do not wish to offend any that may not feel that God is not real or religious out reach in a time of turmoil is foolish, but there is no denying what I felt this evening. He was with me, and still is. I can feel that even when I start to think about it all a sense of strength and love that could weather any storm. I know that the Lord is with me and watching over me and He cares for Bryan and I. I know that going to school is right and that I am meant to be a vet and be a loving and caring wife to a wonderful man. Bryan has supported me non stop for me to go to school and go after what I really want and need in my life. He has never once tried to hold be back and he has even thanked me for inspiration in finding out what he wanted to be and to go after his own dreams. So here we are. Living our dreams with love in our hearts and the Lord to watch over us and be with us through it all. I love my life, my loved ones, the things I have to cherish, that I even have all these things, and I love my Lord.

Day 18

Day 18: Plans/Dreams/Goals You Have

I definitely do have plenty of dreams, plans, and goals that I hope someday to live and see come true. I want to become and excellent veterinarian, be an excellent wife to Bryan, have Bryan be my only loving husband in my life, someday become a mother, be an excellent mother to those children, move to the country side, live in a country style home, see Bryan become a great police officer, see Bryan become a dad, see our children grow and be healthy, lose weight, live a healthy life, and grow old living a long, healthy life and full of adventure and excitement.

Day 17

Day 17: Someone you Would Want to Switch Lives with one Day and Why

This one is really hard for me. I have been staring at this screen for a while trying to figure out who I would want to switch lives with for one day and why. I have to be honest, no one. I love who I am and I love getting to be who I am. I cannot think of a single person that I would want to be even for one day.

Day 16

Day 16 - Another picture of yourself

Day 15

Day 15: Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play

1. Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
2. Old Town New by Tim McGraw
3. I Wish I Was the Moon by Neeko Case
4. Til Summer Comes Again by Keith Urban
5. Super Bass by Nicki Minaj
6. Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm by Crash Test Dummies
7. Maybe I'm Amazed by Jem
8. Hallelujah by Allison Crew
9. Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World
10. It's Over Now by Neve

Day 14

Day 14: A Picture of you and Your Family

The above picture has to be my favorite picture of the little family that is ours. It is only really missing the kitties and they do not like the camera like the dogs do. It is our little slice of heaven right here. We love our little family and hope to someday make more little additions.

The above picture is my family, Campbell's. We are a small tight nit little family. My mom (in the white shirt) is the most amazing woman I have ever met and hope that I can be at least half the mother and woman that she is. My dad, in the dark blue shirt, is the funniest most loving man I have ever met. He loves my mom so much and is easy going. My mom and dad met while they were in college, got married, and waited about ten years before deciding to have my sister (the skinny one in the black tank top). Four years later I came along. Danny, my sister's husband (the one hugging on her), met my sister when they were in elementary school together and then found each other years later only to rekindle the love connection from younger years. Bryan, (red shirted guy I am hugging one) is my loving husband who I love spending time with. He is my monkey and I love him so much.

The above photo is Bryan and I with Darcy and Danny before going on the grueling overnight Narrows hike in Zions park. My sister and I are the best of sisters. I love my sister and how amazing of a woman she is. I have always loved hanging out with her. Danny and her are hoping to start another little family of their own soon and are trying to get pregnant. Exciting for all because my parents want grandchildren, I want to be an aunt (Rock On!), and my sister is ready to be a mommy.

The above picture is Bryan and I with his family, the Austins. There is Don, Bryan's dad (the man in the back), Jolee his mother (the woman sitting in pink), and Amber his sister (the one wearing a teal shirt with the black over wrap). We get to go do all sorts of things with the Austins and they are fun to hang out with. Jolee and Don were high school sweethearts who after getting married, tried and tried and got blessed Bryan and a short year after were blessed with Amber as well. They are good people and we enjoy getting to be a part of the family.

Bryan and I have been so lucky to be able to be a part of such great families and receive the amazing love that we do receive every day. We are so blessed to have such loving and caring people that surround us and people we can count on through thick and thin.

Day 13

Day 13: A letter to Someone Who Has Hurt You Recently

Dear KC Bolen,
I really must admit that the other night really hurt my feelings with what you said to me and how you treated our invite to come and hang out. We did not want to make a big deal and have some fun food, see the kids, and I really wanted to chat with Francie since I am concerned for her right now. I am afraid you are not treating her right and that is not okay. She is such a wonderful woman and great friend. I love her so much and have known her for so long. She cares so much for those around her that she puts others in front of her own happiness. I could hear it in her voice the other day on the phone that she is in distress mode and she is not her usual happy glowing self. I am afraid you are taking advantage of her and you definitely took advantage of us the other night. Bringing someone else over to our house that we did not know and did not know you were bringing really made us feel awkward. Also, then expecting us to feed this person too made me really uncomfortable. I did not really care so much that you brought someone, in fact he was rather nice and we did not have a problem with the person themself, it was the fact you did not tell us or call us before. And totally blind siding Francie with that as well, no cool in my book.
What you said to me hurt the most. As we sat there, just relaxing and hanging out, after all that we put up with you that night, you insult us with what Bryan and I feel is the right way to go about starting a family and telling me that I am wrong not to want to be a stay at home mom. I do not have a problem with stay at home moms at all. I feel that if you want to stay home with your children you should do what you want in what you feel is best. I myself do not feel this way. I was raised in a home that both my parents worked and my sister and I never once felt distant or neglected by our parents. We realize this was no easy task for them to do and realize that it takes a lot of work but this something that both of us feel very passionate about. I do not have the necessary personality to be a stay at home mom either. I am too stir crazy to stay at home and I want to be a veterinarian. My mother was able to do it and do it well, so what makes you think that you have the right to say that moms that do not stay at home are not good mothers. I do not think it is wise for Bryan and I to have children right now when our financial situation is not very stable and not only that once you have children, things change dramatically. We want to be a couple more before starting our family. We want children and we both want them now but do not feel it would be a responsible choice right now for us. We want to be able to provide for our children in everyway and we are not going to be pressured into children either. Why no one seems to respect that fact and just pushes for us to jump into children, I will never understand. Yeah, it is a sensitive subject for me because we really want children like right now but we are trying to be responsible in deciding when to have children.


Day 12

Day 12 : How you found out about blogs and why you made one

I found out about blogs a while ago when they were first starting to start up. I have been really terrible about making sure to even post or even do it well. I wanted to make one though because there is so much that can be shared in a blog that maybe you do not want everyone to know but those who actually care about me and my husband as people and not just another number on their facebook or myspace page. I love that I can actually tell the stories and fun stuff that is going on in our lives that are too good to just give two lines on a profile status. I know I do not have a whole lot of people that even read the blog if any, but it is still fun to put my thoughts and stories somewhere.

Day 10 and Day 11

Double post. Sorry forgot to post yesterday.

Day 10: Songs you Listen to When you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad

This one is a little hard considering the fact that I love so many different types of music. When I am happy I definitely listen to different up beat songs such as country songs Country Girl (Shake it for me) and Honey Bee right now. I do love the new songs that come out all the time but some classics are great too like Devil Went Down to Georgia and pretty much anything by Shania Twain. Been a fan of Shania Twain since I was little. When I am sad, more the slower, more depressing songs in a way which would seem to be the opposite of what someone who is sad would want to see but I kind of listen to music based on mood. I like different modern songs such as What do you Want and When Summer Comes Around or When it Rains or If I Die Young . When I am bored, I really listen to all music and no specific songs in particular and I love all sorts of music. Hyped there are only a few songs I listen to. Michael Jackson's Thriller is a big one for me and I love to dance around while listening to it and really get moving. When I am mad, music is not something I listen to. When I get mad, I am mad and I only think of what is making me mad usually.

Day 11: Another Picture of You and Your Friends

Well, I still have not been able to find any photos that I have of us with our friends. I am having issues finding them on my computer because I cannot remember what I saved them under. I will post them though as soon as I find them.

Day 9

Day 9: Something you are proud of in the past few days

This one is pretty easy. Bryan would have to be something/someone I am proud of from the past few days. He has been so helpful lately it has been great. Daisy was sick on Friday thru the weekend. She kept having terrible accidents in her kennel and needing cleaning of some not so nice messes. Bryan was always helpful and ready to take on the mess. Also Bryan has done everything that he needs to do as well to go to school. Bryan will be going to school in the fall to pursue a dream of a police officer. I know that he did the electrician thing for a while and he did really like it but it does not seem to fit Bryan. In talking with Bryan's mom and grandmother Bryan has always wanted to be either a firefighter or police officer and I can just see him being either. He is so personable and easy to talk to and gets along with strangers so well. He has always been considerate of my stresses as well and this last weekend he really tried hard to calm my stress with a surprise of coming with me to Logan for a job interview that I had on Friday instead of leaving early to go with his dad camping. He then made sure that we had a date at our special place in Ogden, B'Occia D'Italia a great little hole in the way restaurant that Bryan, my parents, and I found by accident over a year ago when going to the Ogden Rodeo. It has the best house salad dressing and great service with good pastas and pizzas. He made sure that we went and saw Apes:The Rise of Planet of the Apes this weekend as well. It was so much fun and it was a movie that I think I more wanted to see than him, but he made sure we saw it. I am a Planet of the Apes fan, more the first original and the remake with Mark Wahlberg a while ago. I am so proud of my hubby and how hard he works for us. He works overtime to help with finances, he works hard around the house with chores and things that need to be fixed, and he always treats me so well. He has taken on so much with trying to go to school this fall and I am so proud of him. He has done it all on his own and has shown a lot of drive to go to school and better himself. Go BRYAN!

Day 8

Day 8: Short Term Goal for this Month and Why

Short term goal for this month is to get ready and be ready to start school in the fall. Including mentally ready. I start school at Utah State University in Logan for schooling for Pre-Vet program. I think this is going to be the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I love being at home with my husband and puppies and kitties. I am not going to be able to do this nearly as much as before. I cannot stay in Salt Lake for schooling any more and I need to go to there during the week and come home on weekends. I still need a lot of things for school it seems like but a lot of them I cannot even get until the first week of class. Books that are going to cost me still another $300 and I have already gotten three of them that I need and those tipped the wallet at $254, about $150 cheaper than it should have been. Thank you Rich, my cousin, who told me that Amazon.com sells college books because it saved some good money for sure.

Day 7

Day 7: A Picture of Someone/Something That has the Biggest Impact on You

Of course it is going to be my hubby that has such a huge impact on my life. He is such a good person and I love him so much. He has helped me to become a stronger person filled with love and dedication. He has taught me patience through the constant testing of my patience but to better understand and look at both sides of any situation. He has taught me to laugh more. I know that sounds impossible but he makes me smile and laugh more than anyone I have ever met. He has taught me more compassion. He will not admit it but he is so sweet still opening my door for me, doing what I ask with little kick back, always asking what I need, always saying I love you, doing sweet things for me for no reason other than he loves me, trying to surprise me with time together, and taking great care of me when I am sick. I try to make sure to keep up with his sweetness but it is no easy task. He is always looking for things for us to do together and something that only him and I can do and make something our thing. There are a couple food places that only we go to and do not go there with other people. We have walks late at night just so we can talk and get out of the house and spend time together. We started that every weekend when Bryan gets home from work at 11:30 pm we will go for a 2-3 hour walk through the streets of Magna. We have even got into walking really long distances. We walked all the way from our home on 8000 West to the Maverick Center one day for the rodeo. We love camping together, do house and yard work together, we love doing everything together. We have so much fun together and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with the most wonderful man in the world.