Wow. Too much going on.

Sorry that I have literally sucked at updating this blog lately. I have not been able to take any pictures and life has been a little crazy the past few weeks. We had our last show in Bozeman, MT for the equestrian team for the year. It was a blast. I only got to ride once on Sunday but it was still fun. Everyone on the team is so much fun to be around and I have been able to make some good friends. I took 5th in my class. I felt like my ride though, was awesome. That was seriously the best ride I have had yet. I feel like I have improved some since joining the team and learning a little more horse control, balance, and leg strength that it is becoming more natural for me to ride English saddle. I have loved it. I am excited for the next semester as well. It will be interesting and I have more classes that are animal based which will be more fascinating to me. I still have to take the second semester of organic chemistry and physics which sucks but I also get to take animal anatomy and physiology (which I have already passed with flying colors human anatomy and physiology, so I have a good system down for those subjects), sheep/ovine production, and hopefully if I can add it a horse health course which would be awesome and give a total of 17 credit hours next semester as well. Also I will get to ride more with the team too so it will be fun. I am definitely looking forward to the break though. Finals are next week and needless to say Bryan and I are starting to cram and stress out to prepare for the exams. Bryan has done great this semester in making sure that all of his assignments have gotten turned in and studying for his exams. I am so proud of my husband. He has stepped it up a lot in the school department and I am so happy to be with him. He is so great to me even when he keeps me up until 2 am helping him with a paper he needed help writing. He is trying so hard and I can see it. I hate so much being away from him and it will be so nice to have three weeks with him. Assuming I survive the next week okay. I have my organic chemistry final and physics final on the same day one right after the other. It is starting to stress me out a little at this point. Those are my two more intensive courses this semester and it is hard to make such a huge transition in just ten minutes. We will see how I do and all I can do is my best. I am excited for Christmas but not so much my birthday. I will be 26 on Christmas day and it is a little weird to think I am closer to 30 now than 20. Time flies when you are happy. That is right I am happy. I know that I am sad all the time while I am away from Bryan but I love being with him and how supportive him and my family are and I could not ask for more. I feel like my life has more meaning and everyday I love them all more and more. Darcy is expecting and her belly is starting to get bigger. I cannot wait to find out what she is having. Her and Danny are just stringing us along and waiting until he last minute to find out what they are having which is silly because I would so buy the baby Fisher a Christmas gift if I could. I guess I will just have to wait. I wish so badly that Bryan and I could start our own family but with finances tight and me living in Logan and Bryan in Salt Lake, it would not be wise to start now. I cannot wait to though. I think about it all the time and I want to be a mom so bad. Just to have such a blessing in our lives. We are so happy I know a little bundle of joy would complete the happiness. Well I will update on how we do on our finals when grades post.