A distant Valentine

Well being that Valentine's Day falls on a Tuesday this year, Bryan and I are stuck not being together this holiday. It gets harder every week to be away from him. He makes me so happy. I know we have our disagreements but they are all worth it. No matter the disagreement we always make it through. Every time I am with Bryan and look and think how did I get so lucky? He is kind, caring, considerate, always happy, always doing little things to show me he loves me. Even with simple little things as getting me a glass of water before bedtime makes my heart sing. He still to this day opens my door for me when we go places. I even stand and wait for him to open it without even realizing it. I love that he still shows me that love and respect and it is something that seems rare nowadays. I have the rarest thing in my life and it is one that I love with my whole heart and soul. The very thing that makes the days easier to get through and make it possible to be happy as much as I am and that is the love and devotion of a good man, Bryan. He is there for me when I cannot take the stress, loves, and supports me through it all. I would go to the end of the earth for Bryan, and I know he would do the same for me. Since finances are tight (like always) and we are apart this year, I made a playlist. I know. Corny, silly, and just plain lame but these are the songs that no matter where I am and I hear them, the first thing that pops into my head is Bryan. I have even tried to sing them to him a few times. The love I feel for him is greater than any I have before and I hear the best is yet to come. So to the love of my life, the everything that makes me whole and completes the empty spaces of me, Happy Valentines Day to my love, my husband, my pumpkin bear.... Bryan. Enjoy your ohh so awesome, corny, and thoughtful playlist.

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