Day 13

Day 13: A letter to Someone Who Has Hurt You Recently

Dear KC Bolen,
I really must admit that the other night really hurt my feelings with what you said to me and how you treated our invite to come and hang out. We did not want to make a big deal and have some fun food, see the kids, and I really wanted to chat with Francie since I am concerned for her right now. I am afraid you are not treating her right and that is not okay. She is such a wonderful woman and great friend. I love her so much and have known her for so long. She cares so much for those around her that she puts others in front of her own happiness. I could hear it in her voice the other day on the phone that she is in distress mode and she is not her usual happy glowing self. I am afraid you are taking advantage of her and you definitely took advantage of us the other night. Bringing someone else over to our house that we did not know and did not know you were bringing really made us feel awkward. Also, then expecting us to feed this person too made me really uncomfortable. I did not really care so much that you brought someone, in fact he was rather nice and we did not have a problem with the person themself, it was the fact you did not tell us or call us before. And totally blind siding Francie with that as well, no cool in my book.
What you said to me hurt the most. As we sat there, just relaxing and hanging out, after all that we put up with you that night, you insult us with what Bryan and I feel is the right way to go about starting a family and telling me that I am wrong not to want to be a stay at home mom. I do not have a problem with stay at home moms at all. I feel that if you want to stay home with your children you should do what you want in what you feel is best. I myself do not feel this way. I was raised in a home that both my parents worked and my sister and I never once felt distant or neglected by our parents. We realize this was no easy task for them to do and realize that it takes a lot of work but this something that both of us feel very passionate about. I do not have the necessary personality to be a stay at home mom either. I am too stir crazy to stay at home and I want to be a veterinarian. My mother was able to do it and do it well, so what makes you think that you have the right to say that moms that do not stay at home are not good mothers. I do not think it is wise for Bryan and I to have children right now when our financial situation is not very stable and not only that once you have children, things change dramatically. We want to be a couple more before starting our family. We want children and we both want them now but do not feel it would be a responsible choice right now for us. We want to be able to provide for our children in everyway and we are not going to be pressured into children either. Why no one seems to respect that fact and just pushes for us to jump into children, I will never understand. Yeah, it is a sensitive subject for me because we really want children like right now but we are trying to be responsible in deciding when to have children.
