Sunday, September 25, 2011
by Monkey and Britter Brit
Well I have not updated on the recent movies I have watched recently. I have finally been catching up more on the movies that every tells me I should watch and so some of these are a little older of movies but now I can see I have seen some of the classics that everyone seems to love. There are some newer ones too and one television series that I have just fallen in love with.
Cherry was defintiely a different show. It is kind of a weird one where this brilliant teenage goes to an ivy league school while he is only 17. He is following in his families footsteps by going into engineering while his heart is really in the passion of art. He falls in love with an older woman in one of his art classes who does not have her head or anything for that matter together. I liked the story line and acting quite well. It does not move very fast though and did have some dull moments. It was different but I did enjoy the characters and complexity of their emotions.

Brokeback Mountain was a little awkward to watch at parts and a little uneasy but I can see why it won so many awards. It has very complex characters and you feel the pain of the two love struck cowboys. To live a life of duplicity and lies is not easy for either one of these guys after they become romantic on a mountain while attending to herding sheep. They part their ways and live their lives with wifes and children while all the while sneaking away every now and then to be together. It is a good show and I loved the many different characters and the actors and actresses chosen were perfect.

Another movie that was a little awkward to watch at parts but again I just feel in love with the characters and felt like the actors did great. Jim Carrey is hilarious no matter what part he is playing. He plays the character of a con artist so well that while serving a sentence in prison he comes across and falls in love with Phillip, Ewan McGregor's character. They finally get out and live together but Jim Carrey continues con his way through their relationship. It is a fun show with a lot of humor. It is different to watch the characters and how they develop but all in all I enjoyed it.

Well, I must admit I am a fan of South Park. I always have been but I have never seen all the episodes all the way through. I am in the process of watching all of these hilarious episodes on Netflix. I love Cartman so much. He is so funny and just the most random things happen to him. I love his infamous saying of "Screw you guys, I'm going home." My cousin Rich inspired me to try and watch them all and it has been a success and I have just finished season 3. Season 4 here I come.

I know that many have not heard of this before and could easily be confused with couples retreat. This is actually a christian version of the show and I really enjoyed it. I love watching movies with good messages and that encourage strengthening your relationship with God and those around you. I loved the characters and how each of them was really their own. No two characters were alike and I enjoyed how they kept making sure to let both sides of a relationship see both sides. Even when you think you are right on a matter with your spouse, there is a chance you are probably wrong.

I loved this movie. It was great! I love the action, the acting, and the whole feel and approach that the creators took to it. I am a huge fan of the main actor anyways because I saw him in Legion and loved him in that. It is the same type of role and he plays them so well. I love the use of excellent actors and actresses and how in depth the story goes. I feel like it was a little short and it did set it up for a sequel which I actually hope that they do make another.
Definitely an older movie for sure but everyone has always told me that I need to see this film so I did. I loved it. It is so twisted and dark that you do not realize just how much everything and everyone is tied together. I loved the actors and actresses in this movie. They did really good and I recommend this show to anyone who has not seen it. Not for the children or light hearted for sure but a great movie and must see at least once in your life time.
This was not my favorite of the one that everyone told me I needed to see in that it was a classic. It was okay. Perhaps it is because I grew up in a different era and don't really think to admire these pot heads and their antics. This is one I would not probably recommend to anyone and it is a little choppy in the plot and jumps a lot.
Bryan and I watched Sucker Punch last night actually and it was really good. It keeps you guessing what is acutally going on and the action scenes in it were great. I really enjoyed each of the characters too. The girls are so complex and you really cannot figure out what is really going on with each process. It does get a little confusing at first but you start to figure it out. I loved how each of the battle scenes really had some different aspect to it. It was a mix of modern, old school, and medieval. It was great and I recommed to see it for sure.

Bryan is the one that has turned me onto the Modern Family. I have only been able to see Season 1 but it is hilarious. Gloria has to be my favorite character in the bunch. She is so much fun to watch and she is just so full of spunk and grit. I love her. All the characters though are really great. I love how each of them are tied together. It is great to see old Ted Bundy playing the terrible dad again. I love the actor and I think he is great for his role. The younger and older sister kind of remind me of me and my sister when we were younger. A must see and I will definitely be starting season 2 this next week.
Just an update on us past the whole movies, we are doing great. I am really not looking forward to going back to Logan this week because it will be two weeks until I get to come home again. I am on the equestrian team at Utah State and our first show is this coming Saturday and Sunday and we will not be back in time for me to come home. It will be hard for sure.
School is going well and the stress is really starting to build since the tests are now starting up. I had one in Physics last week and have two coming up this next week. We are a quarter of the way done with the semester though and that is good news. Hopefully I can take some photos of the show and get them posted on here.