Day 6
Monday, August 8, 2011 by Monkey and Britter Brit

Day 6: Favorite Super Hero and Why
That is right. I am a closet Captain America fan. I have always loved Captain America. He is just so kick a**. He is buff, good looking, strong, and he stands for something bigger than any other super hero. He is not some vigilante hiding in the shadows, he is out there and everyone knows who he is. He protects and saves not for the glory but the duty that comes with being a super hero. I love his shield and how he wields it to be successful in his fights. Also he represents a form of military which makes me feel like he is part of a system that should be more admired and respected. He is a military hero in his own way he just wears different colors than the other military men he works with. Also, I could totally see Bryan as a Captain America. I would love to see him in a Captain America outfit. Yummy...
That is right. I am a closet Captain America fan. I have always loved Captain America. He is just so kick a**. He is buff, good looking, strong, and he stands for something bigger than any other super hero. He is not some vigilante hiding in the shadows, he is out there and everyone knows who he is. He protects and saves not for the glory but the duty that comes with being a super hero. I love his shield and how he wields it to be successful in his fights. Also he represents a form of military which makes me feel like he is part of a system that should be more admired and respected. He is a military hero in his own way he just wears different colors than the other military men he works with. Also, I could totally see Bryan as a Captain America. I would love to see him in a Captain America outfit. Yummy...