Good news and photos.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011 by Monkey and Britter Brit

So all is well on the Austin front. Today, my father and I took a trip up to Logan to meet with the academic advisor for the pre-vet program that I was accepted to. She was really positive and said my grades are looking great! I must admit I was a little pissed when she told me that the advisor at SLCC had mislead me into thinking that classes I took would transfer and some of them did not. At least they were easy classes so no big deal really. I was just not that happy to hear I had wasted my time. Other than that it looks like 2 more years of classes and then I can apply to Vet school with an excellent application as long as I do good at Utah State University. It was really fun and exciting to see it all and see the campus. It looks like I will have to start in fall though which is concerning. So much to do in not a lot of time. Also I will have to find another job soon too. These are the photos from Bryan and I's trip to Idaho. Like I mentioned before, we went for a road trip to Idaho for a late Valentine's Day celebration. It was a blast. The one above is me ready to kill Bryan because he would not stop taking pictures and it is hard to enjoy your meal while you husband is taking pictures of you. The meal was still absolutely excellent.

This was the first one he took that I agreed to smile for. I was done after one. You can tell I am even annoyed with the first one.

I only thought to take a picture of our so good meal after I had gobbled mine up. But you can still see the home made salsa remains in the glass bowel, the ohh so good fresh fruit that came with, and the sad remains of my meal. I could not stop my self it was all so fresh and good.

Ha, vengence! I took his picture only after fighting the camera from his hands. He is so goofy. Gotta love it!

This is the little watch dog that the owners of the bed and breakfast had. Such a cute, friendly dog and so protective. Anytime we left or came back she was there to make sure we were not intruders.

Bryan doing what he does best, sleeping. I had just woken him up from his nap and he was not fully aware of the fact I had taken a picture of him. Ha!

This was the awesome view from our entrance to the house. It was so beautiful there and the mountains were just breath taking. They were so close to us. It was a blast and so romantic.

Yippy you went to look at your school!! I am so proud of you!! I am sorry that slcc lied to you once again. They suck they lied to Brad to about some things to thats why he is behind one yr.
I love the pictures of your bed and breakfast that you guys went to. Whats the name of it?
It was called the Mackay Homestead Bed and Breakfast. It was a good bed and breakfast. The owners were so nice and it was fun to just escape which is what we needed.
I can relate with Brad. It was just a total waste.