Thursday, January 3, 2013
by Monkey and Britter Brit
Well it has been a little while since I have posted anything. I am such a slacker for sure.
A lot has happened as usual. Well I have made a full recovery from my gallbladder surgery. It was not pretty and it hurt for sure but I at least feel tons better than before. I do not have nausea and I am not vomitting anymore which is wonderful. I have some small scars but not bad and the only thing that has sucked about it all is now when I have to go to the bathroom, I am not held responsible for me taking anyone out to get there. It is inconvient but better than being sick all the time.
The school semester was not much of a success for me but Bryan did great. He passed all his classes with flying colors including As and Bs and only one C. I am so proud of him. Working full time and being a full time student. He gets some major kudos for that. It is no easy task for him and with a little help from myself and his mom, Jolee, he got everything done and turned in on time. Because of my surgery being three weeks into the semester and the first three weeks of the semester being sick as a dog, I did not fair so well. I passed all my classes but that is about it. Not a single A for me and only Bs and Cs. Ugh, that makes me cringe. I am no C student and I cried this semester trying so hard to fight for a C in a class. Genetics, one of my all time favorite biology topics I barely passed all because I fell behind in the first quarter of the semester. It sucked.
The next semester will definitely be interesting. I am actually taking 19 credit hours which is the most I have ever taken. I know that by the end of the semester I will be pulling out my hair and be bald by finals. It will be fun.
Bryan is waiting to hear back from the school whether or not he will start this spring semester in the academy. I sure hope he gets the opportunity because he wants it so bad and he would make an excellent officer, I just know it. He is Mr. Social Butterfly and would love to work with the public more. Also he is absolutely obbsessed with police stuff and already have bought a lot of supplies he will need for the classes and working as an officer, including the hand cuffs which are kind of fun ;)
Aspen Sue has gotten so big. She is not 8 months old and starting to talk. In fact last night she started crawling and is well on her way to walking. She is a lot like her mom in that she will not hold still and just wants to go. She gets so mad when she cannot figure out how to move forward or sideways and she just wants so badly to be able to do it all.
Aspen in Aunt Pattie Cakes outfit she got for her. The John Deer looks good on her :)
Aspen in her Halloween outfit!
(Aunt Brittney picked it out and got it for her)
Aspen meeting Santa Clause for the first time. She was so cute and just wanted to play with his beard. Most kids scream and do not like Santa but she just loved him.
I got to spend an entire day with Aspen just me and her. We played with her toys the whole day. She was a little upset each time she got tired but I just laid her down and she would go to sleep.
There were a lot of weekends of just studying and lazing about the house. This Bryan and Gretchen just chillin while we took a break from studies.
I had a good semester minus the surgery and classes. I placed well at each of our shows for the equestrian team and even pointed up into walk, trot, canter meaning I get to ride in regionals this year. Sara and I (a friend from the team) participated this year in the club calf helping out. This is George. He was our calf that we worked with. He was fun and very mild. He was kind of a sweety.
Sara and I with George working with him. We work with the calves by halter breaking them and getting them used to human contact. We brush them, bathe them, and lead them around to get them used to life as a cow.
One of the things with the changing weather is it takes longer for the horses to cool down after practice. We put coolers on them and wait after practice and Sandra, Andy and myself were the ones who got to stay our last practice with them. This is Sierra. She is one of the riding lesson horses of the school's. She is so much fun to ride. She has a pretty bumpy canter but she is great otherwise. She was falling asleep as we played with her and made her Rocky. She slept to the Rocky theme song as we waited for her dry.

This is Laura. She is one of my room mates. We have a good time together for sure. She is sitting on the chair because we had tied the door shut of Andy's closet while she was in there. We wanted to ensure that there was no easy way to escape. Unfortunately our choice of string did not withstand and Andy was able to escape. I enjoy hanging out and goofing off with my room mates. They have made this year so much better. I do not mind coming home now and hanging out with them versus last year my room mates were kind of not that much fun to be around.

This Christmas Eve we went for our usual carriage ride downtown. It was wonderful. I am so glad that I get to have such fun traditions with the family that I have and to have such a wonderful family. I love my parents so much. My sister and I share a bond that I share with no one else and I love getting to spend time with her, Danny, and Aspen. They are so much fun to be around and I love them so much. Also, Bryan. He is perfect for me. He treats me right and shows me love everyday. Even when we are mad at one another we still never stay mad long and within 15 minutes to an hour we are teasing each other again and loving on one another again. I had a great Christmas with my family and I am without a doubt the richest and luckiest girl in the world to have them all.
We got to go to the zoo lights with Aspen, Danny and Darcy. It was fun to see and the lights were really cool. I personally enjoyed them more than the temple lights because of the animal shapes :)
We had a great Christmas and I had a great birthday. I got clothes, lots of hats (which I love), books, a lightes mirror (a makeup one), some new perfume, dickie coveralls for school and vet school along with some new muck boots. Bryan spoiled me this year and I wanted to kill him for going over budget but he argues that I deserve it with all my hard work. Mom and dad really spoiled me this year with a half day guided fly fishing trip on the provo river. I am stoked. I cannot wait to go fishing. I have missed fishing and getting out to fly fish. It will be a blast.