Movies and a short update.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 by Monkey and Britter Brit

So I have been terrible on keeping up to date with this thing and the movies we have been watching recently. A lot of the horror ones I watched by myself since Bryan is not the biggest fan of horror like I am but we did end up watching a lot of these together. Toy Story 3 has to be the saddest most depressing movie ever! It was so sad and it almost made me cry. Of course, movies that make me cry, I am not a big fan of. I had such big expectations with this movie and it was not as funny as the others and it was just depressing. I would not really recommend it to anyone, it is a kids movie and kid appropriate at most parts and do not get me wrong there are some funny parts but all in all, I will not be watching this one a second time, EVER!

The Baby's Room is actually a foreign film that has subtitles but it is a good one. It is very twisted and I really liked it for the horror genre. It is about a young couple that buy a house and nothing is as it seems after the young couple receives a baby monitor as a gift and start hearing and seeing things that are not there. It is really good and I must admit that I have been leaning more and more towards foreign films since I have seen most American horror films and I am still looking for more. This is a good one to watch in the dark and I recommend it definitely.

I know that The Wizard is an old one but I have to pay good tribute to this one because it was what I grew up with. It is a great movie, kind of like a young version of the Rain Man. A young boys younger step brother is a little disturbed but a genius when it comes to nintendo games. I love watching this show because it has a lot of the games that my sister and I used to play on it and I love watching Fred Savage. He is so good for how young he is. A classic for sure and makes the top of the list of favorite all time movies. I loved watching this one again and taking the trip down memory lane with this one.

The Other Guys actually surprised me being that it did not get a lot of hype about this movie and it did not do too well at the box office but it was hilarious. I loved it. Mark Wahlberg is so funny and just compliments Wil Ferrell in this film. The choice of actors and characters are high rated and I enjoyed the movie. One of my favorite quotes would have to be " I am a peacock captain, you gotta let me FLY!"
"Terry! Peacocks can't fly!"
Good movie for sure and will make for fun for a good laugh. Not exactly children material though. Some language and adult situations.
"Terry! Peacocks can't fly!"
Good movie for sure and will make for fun for a good laugh. Not exactly children material though. Some language and adult situations.

I did enjoy the Last Exorcism. Actually, it freaked me out a little since I did watch it by myself. It is about a young country girl who is sheltered from the rest of the world by her father, is supposedly possessed by a demon. It has some really intense moments and had an ending that I did not expect at all. The whole thing is filmed as a documentary by a film crew that is following a Reverand around who is only filming to prove that exorcisms are hoaxes. It is really good and I recommend it to my fellow horror fans.

This is one that I did not expect to be good at all. I had hardly heard a thing about it and Bryan had known someone that recommended it and it was really good. The characters are like the old ones that we originally fell in love with with a lot of these actors, earlier in their careers. I must admit I have always been a fan of Sylvester Stallone. He is pretty good but the actors in it are good and I was really impressed. I recommend it to the action thriller fans out there and even to those just looking for a good movie to watch.

Surrogates was pretty good. I liked how it really focused on how technology driven society is and how someday it may very well take over our lives. It shows that there can be moral implications with trusting our lives in the lives of machines. Bruce Willis is a favorite of mine so it as a lot of fun to see him in this mystery thriller movie. I would recommend it for sure. I have always wondered what it would be like to live our lives through the eyes of someone else but this movie takes that thought to a whole new level.

I must admit that I did watch this one alone and it is a good thing. The plot is terrible like the second Step Up and the characters are not very deep and the actors are not really actors at all and more dancers. I love watching the dancing though. The dance moves are crazy good and I love all the choices of music and moves that the choreographer used. I like the Step Up movies for the dance moves, not anything else really. I did like the first one but the second and third just drag on with the same message. Someone who loves dancing would love these films and I would recommend them to a dancing fan for sure.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice surprised me as well. It was really well done and I like Nicholas Cage in this film. The young Jay Baruchel did very well in portraying the geeky college boy who has no clue of how to even act around a girl and I love how comedic his character even when he is not even trying to be funny. A good family movie and I would recommend it for sure.

I liked this movie for the action and the intricate detail that went into the plot. You really do not know whether or not Salt (played by Angelina Jolie) is a spy until the very end. It is about a federal agent that is accused of being a Russian spy by what seems to be a crazy man and she runs for fear that her husband is in danger. There are so many twists to this movie and I really love a film that can keep me on the edge of my seat and this movie was successful in that.

I know that The Rocky Horror Picture Show is not a new one and not even really considered to be a horror movie, now. I watched because it had been recommended to me to watch it that is was such a good movie. I really did not like it at all. I liked some of the songs and got some references from the movie now but all in all I am not into the whole cult like movies as this one is. I really am also not a fan of the characters and the whole plot is so over the top and all over the place that there are places that are almost hard to follow. I am indifferent to this one and would probably not recommend it.

I am Number Four is a good movie. It is another thriller action movie that has a little bit of the sci-fy twist to it. I liked the actors and actresses that they chose for this one. The plot is that there are these creatures from another planet that traveled to Earth to escape the evil clutches of the Mogadorians that have killed everyone of their kind except for the exceptional children that were able to escape. There are only a few left and slowly they are being tracked down and killed on Earth. Each child has special powers and abilities that they use to protect not only themselves but also those around. It does have the love story factor between the main character and a local girl of a small town that the characters are made to move to after being discovered. It is a good movie with excellent effects.

Not a kids movie by any means. This is a funny film but my goodness, it is a little dirty in more than one opportunity. From what I understand it is actually a remake of an older film. It is a good movie though and I enjoyed the humor in it and how it is that if you were given the opportunity to go back and change a live defining moment, would you change it? I must admit there are times that I would not mind going back to and changing but at the same time, I am so happy where I am with my life that I would want to change it.

Harper's Island is actually a series that showed a few years ago and I discovered thanks to the magical world of Netflix. I is a thriller/murder mystery series where there is a wedding party that goes to a childhood island where they all grew up. The thing about the island is that years ago there was a mad man who went through the island killing people. Well he comes back during the wedding and it comes down to everyone is a suspect in this thrilling horror. I loved watching the series because there is never a dull moment and the plot is so deep and twisted that you really have no clue who is in on the murders until the last bit. I loved how each character you really get to know and understand and it keeps you on the edge of your seat through the whole series.

Yes.... I know it is sad but I have turned into a total Gleek! Bryan is not so hot on the topic but I just feel he has not given the show a chance. He is so much more into Cops, Alaska State Troopers, Whale Wars (I am into Whale Wars though with him), and Police Women of Broward County. (He wonders why I suggest law enforcement as a profession for him?!?). Anyways, I have really fallen in love with the characters and songs of Glee. It is so high school it is scary how much it reminds me of high school. I love the songs they do and find it crazy how well they can take two songs and mash them up to sound so good. I love the Umbrella/Singing in the Rain version that they do. I am up to date with each season now too and recommend it to anyone. It is funny, sad, and enjoyable all in one and it will take you down the memory lane that is your past high school experience.

I really had some high expectations for Due Date and it was just not as funny as I expected. This is why I usually try not to have expectations for a movie. It is a good show for sure and it is funny but it did not have me on the floor laughing like I had hoped. I love Zach Galifianakis and he is so funny with his mannerisms, he is so much fun to watch. I thought the combination of Robert Downey Jr. and his seriousness and Zach's goofiness really complimented one another and it was a good movie for sure. I recommend for sure.

I have also been watching Dexter, the serial killer that has a conscience. He only kills other murderers and bad people. He is a very complex character and he strives to live a normal life with a family and kids. I love Dexter! It is great to watch with so much detail and you just fall in love with all the characters. They are all so complex and for sure my favorite character has to be Debra, Dexter's sister played by Jennifer Carpenter. She is so much fun to watch and you just feel her pain with each step of the way. She is so brazen yet delicate at the same time. She is so funny with her mouth like a sailor. I would not recommend this for children but for adults for sure.

The Devil's Backbone is another foreign horror film that I watched that was pretty good. It was twisted and dark and just all in all a good movie. The acting is great with culture and takes place during a civil war in Spain. It is different and not your usual horror flick. After a young boy is left at an orphanage for kids that their parents have died in the war and not told that his father is actually dead, he is haunted by a boy that had gone missing. It is tale of discovery of what truly happened to the missing boy and what each character is really at the orphanage for. I would recommend it those who are horror fans for sure.

Wow! Wow! Wow! This movie took me for a whirl in that I did not expect it to be that great. I had never heard of it before until a friend had recommended that I watch it. M. Night Shyamalan actually wrote this story and they decided to turn it into a movie. It is about these people who get stuck in an elevator in a tall business building and slowly one by one they are murdered by what they do not know. It ends up it is kind of like a prophecy of the Devil coming to Earth to take some souls of the damned. It is crazy and you really have no clue who it is until the end. The use of such a small space for a set was done very well and each character is so deep and they each have their own little secrets that they do not want to admit to. It is a good one of horror actually with a moral message.

If I had children, this is the type of movies they would be watching. I love Curious George movies. He is the cutest character and so much fun to watch. I really enjoyed this movie and I am 25 years old. You just fall in love with such an adorable character that is George and he is just the happiest monkey.

This one, I have mixed feelings about. Chloe I watched because of the cast seeing that Julianne Moore (an actress I have just loved watching over the years) in combination with Liam Neeson and Amanda Seyfried I thought would be a good movie. I really lost interest in the film after Julianne Moore and Amanda Seyfried's character get intimate in a lesbian scene. I was surprised that either one of them would agree to and I was not intrigued or anything to keep watching after that. I did finish the film but it is not one I would recommend.

This is an oldie horror film, and it is a goody too. I know it is kind of childish in the choice of how they chose the monster in this film but it is definitely twisted and dark. It is a good horror show though and it is one that will keep you on the edge of your seat through the whole movie. I watched this one alone and it scared the poop out of me and I have been avoiding the mirror ever since. I kind of takes me back to the time when we used to do the mirror saying of the name and you would always say that something terrible happened.

I loved this movie. Natalie Portman did such a wonderful job of showing how the character she played seemed to have it all together but was really not that sane and that she had more complexes than anyone. It is based around the Swan Lake ballet and even the story line that goes with it. It is a good one for sure and I would recommend it to adults only. It does have some sexual content and swearing but all in all a great film.

I watched this film to find a little more information on what really went down with the proposition 8. I myself being LDS it was good to see both sides of the story and really feel the frustration of the other side. I have never been really controversial with my opinion but I do have the opinion that if you love someone, regardless of sex, you should be able to be with that person and be married. Just because you let a gay couple get married does not mean that they are hurting those who feel differently. I know that there are some out there that they feel it needs to be their business that a gay couple are together but why should they not be able to have a certificate stating their committment to one another and have the legal benefits of being married. As far as God and married couples that are gay, that is between God and them, not me. I enjoyed the documentary and I watched it with an open mind of course. It is a controversial one for sure but I enjoyed the information and shots provided.
Well there are more that we have watched (I know we are addicted to movies) but those are the ones we either really liked or disliked. Nothing new really on the front here. We are just plugging along with work and school. I start at Utah State in the fall still and Bryan is trying to go to SLCC this fall if he can get financial aid in time. He wants to go into the criminal justice/police officer aspect and has a goal to go to school so he can get further along in the law enforcement area. I will keep this up to date if anything new arises.