Not much goin on
Thursday, May 12, 2011 by Monkey and Britter Brit
Well, we have not had a whole lot going on lately. I finished my classes for Spring semester which has been nice and I am just waiting on one more grade to post before I know them all. It was a good semester and I am liking my grades so far. Finishing this semester means no more Salt Lake Community College! Woo Hoo!! I am officially an Aggie now and I have already started classes for this summer semester. They are the simple ones I can take and in the fall I will be taking a full load of classes. This summer I am taking Family Finance, Art Symposium, and Statistics. It will be really nice to get the pre-requisites out of the way and then get to take some classes that are a little more specialized and more fun.

This summer I am taking Family Finance, Art Symposium, and Statistics. It will be really nice to get the pre-requisites out of the way and then get to take some classes that are a little more specialized and more fun. Well that has been about it other than work, work, and more work.

This summer I am taking Family Finance, Art Symposium, and Statistics. It will be really nice to get the pre-requisites out of the way and then get to take some classes that are a little more specialized and more fun. Well that has been about it other than work, work, and more work.