Not much happening here.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010 by Monkey and Britter Brit

Olive, the rescue dog, is doing great. She is really starting to look healthy and she is running and jumping and playing like a usual black lab. Last night she was so happy when I got home that she leaped off the porch and just started jumping and kicking. She reminded me of a bucking bull. She was exstatic to see me and she ran around the car, yard, and tree for her usual ritual of evening play. She does not like sirens though. Anytime one gets close she gets so upset and starts howling. She loves to sleep on the bed at night with Bryan and I and it is so cute. She is even really starting to warm up to Bryan which is great and she is making a lot of progress. Well, we will continue to update you with the adventures of our lives as they happen. It is short, but sweet.