We are foster parents!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010 by Monkey and Britter Brit

Well, we have opened our hearts and home to a foster pup named Buddy. He is a 2 year old beagle that was found as a stray in Riverton. We will take care of him, feed him, and help him find a home instead of making him stay in a cold kennel. This way he will have a yard to run through, dogs to socialize with, and a soft place to lay his head. Check out secondchancepupps.blogspot.com for more information on his progress. I am starting a blog about our adoptable puppies that we will take in to help possible families see what kind of dog they are getting. It is really great!

Below are the photos I promised of Darcy running in the 10 k.

Well this last weekend Bryan and I, in a last minute thing, went up to Strawberry Reservoir with our friends, Brad, Brieanna, Xander, Gayle, and Kenny for a short camping trip. It was a lot of fun. We got to ride the four wheelers up some cool trails, hang out and chat with our friends, and enjoy the wilderness. Since I had to work Friday night, Brie, Buddy and I made our ways up Saturday morning. Everyone else had gone up Friday evening. We got there, had lunch, and went for a short four wheeler ride before getting rained on. The rain was nice though. It has been so hot lately that it was nice to finally get some cooler weather to cool us off. We had chicken and rice for dinner in the dutch oven and it was really good. Well then everyone but Brad and I went to bed. Wimps! But Brad and I stayed up late talking about movies, music, and the universe. Brad has watched so many television shows and retained so much information. I was a little surprised at how much he knew about the stars and planets. We then woke up the next morning, had breakfast, and packed up and went home. We did not get back until about 3:00 pm though once everything was packed up plus we had to make a couple of stops on the way back when Gayle's trailer tire was losing air. We relaxed for a bit before going over to my mom and dad's house for dinner and the showing of True Blood. Good weekend for sure.

Xander Man

Buddy was obssessed with this lim, he tried dragging it multiple times across the grass.

Xander loved our tent as well. He played it a few times.

Buddy is such a good boy.

Xander running back to camp. He is so cute.

Bryan has started his new security job with IHC now and when he is asked if he likes it his response is "It's work." I don't think he is too happy that he has to work again, but who knows. His hours are a little crazy. He is going to get 44 hours this week, 40 the next, and then 38 the week after. The only bad thing is he works the next 5 Saturdays. But we are happy that he at least has a job and is not unemployed. We are grateful for that and the fact that we have our health, a roof over our heads, and each other.