Wow, a lot has been happening in the life of the Austins. First of all we are sad but oh so happy to report that Buddy, our foster dog, has found a permanant home with a little boy that just loves him. We are so excited he has a home now that will be great for him. We will definately miss the little guy though. Especially Bryan. He loved that little guy and had a hard time saying goodbye. He was sad a few days following too. But our purpose of being a foster family to help the dogs in a bad situation and get them a new home that is permanant and to get them out of the kennel and into a warm bed instead. Once the computer is fixed, I will post our last photo of us with Buddy.

Bryan is working and working hard might I add. He is really starting to get back into the swing of things again and is doing a good job. He is working extra hours and starting to be a better helper around the house. I love that man! He tries for us and I really do love him. Even when we get in a tiff and I think about throwing my shoe at his head, I still love him.

I have started school now. This semester is small with only two classes but they are biology and chemistry, so they are not exactly just easy mickey classes. But the best news of all, I am only down to one job now and that has made me a happy woman. I am not worn out, tired all the time, and I can actually take my dogs for walks again. I think they felt a little neglected. I had to get a new phone (free phone) to cut down on the phone bill. It costs about $30 each month to have the blackberry, so I said my farewells to that to save some cash. Also we have changed our internet provider to save a few bucks as well. Well, once the computer is running properly again, I will update with a few new photos.


    Sounds like everything is working out for you!! I am SO glad!! When was your last day of work? I was going to try and come to work for the shin-dig. O'well. Where does Brian work? I am so glad that he found a job!! James applied for several jobs in June and is barely getting call backs from it within the last couple of weeks. Crazy!! I am glad that we can keep in touch this way. :) I miss talking to you everyday!! Good luck with school!!


    My last day of work was the 19th! Woo hoo freedom from toilets! Bryan is working for IHC as a security officer at the different clinics and what not. That is crazy that is has been so long since he got a call back. How are you doing? Still loving the new house?