Wow, a lot has been happening in the life of the Austins. First of all we are sad but oh so happy to report that Buddy, our foster dog, has found a permanant home with a little boy that just loves him. We are so excited he has a home now that will be great for him. We will definately miss the little guy though. Especially Bryan. He loved that little guy and had a hard time saying goodbye. He was sad a few days following too. But our purpose of being a foster family to help the dogs in a bad situation and get them a new home that is permanant and to get them out of the kennel and into a warm bed instead. Once the computer is fixed, I will post our last photo of us with Buddy.

Bryan is working and working hard might I add. He is really starting to get back into the swing of things again and is doing a good job. He is working extra hours and starting to be a better helper around the house. I love that man! He tries for us and I really do love him. Even when we get in a tiff and I think about throwing my shoe at his head, I still love him.

I have started school now. This semester is small with only two classes but they are biology and chemistry, so they are not exactly just easy mickey classes. But the best news of all, I am only down to one job now and that has made me a happy woman. I am not worn out, tired all the time, and I can actually take my dogs for walks again. I think they felt a little neglected. I had to get a new phone (free phone) to cut down on the phone bill. It costs about $30 each month to have the blackberry, so I said my farewells to that to save some cash. Also we have changed our internet provider to save a few bucks as well. Well, once the computer is running properly again, I will update with a few new photos.

We are foster parents!

Well, we have opened our hearts and home to a foster pup named Buddy. He is a 2 year old beagle that was found as a stray in Riverton. We will take care of him, feed him, and help him find a home instead of making him stay in a cold kennel. This way he will have a yard to run through, dogs to socialize with, and a soft place to lay his head. Check out for more information on his progress. I am starting a blog about our adoptable puppies that we will take in to help possible families see what kind of dog they are getting. It is really great!

Below are the photos I promised of Darcy running in the 10 k.

Well this last weekend Bryan and I, in a last minute thing, went up to Strawberry Reservoir with our friends, Brad, Brieanna, Xander, Gayle, and Kenny for a short camping trip. It was a lot of fun. We got to ride the four wheelers up some cool trails, hang out and chat with our friends, and enjoy the wilderness. Since I had to work Friday night, Brie, Buddy and I made our ways up Saturday morning. Everyone else had gone up Friday evening. We got there, had lunch, and went for a short four wheeler ride before getting rained on. The rain was nice though. It has been so hot lately that it was nice to finally get some cooler weather to cool us off. We had chicken and rice for dinner in the dutch oven and it was really good. Well then everyone but Brad and I went to bed. Wimps! But Brad and I stayed up late talking about movies, music, and the universe. Brad has watched so many television shows and retained so much information. I was a little surprised at how much he knew about the stars and planets. We then woke up the next morning, had breakfast, and packed up and went home. We did not get back until about 3:00 pm though once everything was packed up plus we had to make a couple of stops on the way back when Gayle's trailer tire was losing air. We relaxed for a bit before going over to my mom and dad's house for dinner and the showing of True Blood. Good weekend for sure.

Xander Man
Xander kept on exploring the area. I snapped a quick pic of him trying to escape.
Buddy was obssessed with this lim, he tried dragging it multiple times across the grass.

Xander loves riding on the four wheelers.
Xander loved our tent as well. He played it a few times.

Buddy is such a good boy.

Mom was never far behind the little explorer.

Xander running back to camp. He is so cute.

Bryan has started his new security job with IHC now and when he is asked if he likes it his response is "It's work." I don't think he is too happy that he has to work again, but who knows. His hours are a little crazy. He is going to get 44 hours this week, 40 the next, and then 38 the week after. The only bad thing is he works the next 5 Saturdays. But we are happy that he at least has a job and is not unemployed. We are grateful for that and the fact that we have our health, a roof over our heads, and each other.

Two weddings madness

So this last weekend was a little crazy for us. We had two weddings to go to in one weekend and they were both for cousins. Friday, I had asked for the day off because it was really too much to try and go back and forth, we got up early and headed downtown for Bryan's cousin Jordan and Kellli's luncheon at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. It is crazy to think they are already married now. They are so cute together and we really like them. Kelli is such a cutie and what a doll. It was a great luncheon and we had some great food. It was cute they even sang to one another. We had to get going unfortunately to start to head to Idaho for Nick and Andrea's wedding reception. As we were getting ready to head to Idaho though Bryan got a phone call.....

Drum roll please...... HE GOT THE JOB!! WOOO HOOO!!! He will be working for IHC as a security officer and it is the best news in a long time. I am so excited that he has finally found something. He starts next Monday. So needless to say, we were a little delayed in getting to Idaho since he had to go in for a drug test right then and get probed and proded with shots and blood draws. After Bryan was done playing the pin cushion we headed to Idaho.

Friday night we went out with Nick and Andrea, my parents, Darcy and Danny, and some of Nick's buddies and went out in downtown Pocatello. Not exactly Bryan and I's scene so we ended up just walking around. We stopped at this place called the Pie Hole and it looked like it would be some good pizza but it really was not. It was actually really bland with no flavor and not good pizza at all. The pizza was thin crusted, greasy, and had no toppings. All the people that were in there would not have been there had they ever had The Pie Pizza. Now that is yummy pizza. So we walked around talking for a bit before Rich came and picked us up and we ended up playing video games instead. We were the designated drivers so we waited until the partiers were ready to go then we drove them all home.

The next day was really quite relaxing. I loved it. We woke up at like 11:00 am and then had an awesome homemade breakfast made by Grandma with her homemade biscuits and sausage gravy that she makes that is so good! Yumm! Then Bryan, my dad, Danny, and Darcy headed out to go golfing for a bit. Mom and Grandma went over to the Rowe's and helped set up for the reception. Nick and Andrea actually got married the Wednesday before (long story as to why we were not invited to that) and they were having the reception the following Saturday for family. I spent about an hour and half just sitting out in the field behind my Grandma's house and pet the horses and just got lost in time. I loved it. There was a storm rolling in so the wind was nice and cool, and I could hear a train blowing it's horn far off in the distance (I love that sound). The horses were friendly and let me pet them (both of them are rescue horses so they are skiddish around many people) and I just enjoyed life. That is what I want in life is all that. Then I took my time getting ready and once everyone got back and ready we all headed out to the Rowe's house for the reception.

The only thing I have to say that is negative is that the hosts (Ron and Donita) could have been a little more friendly towards us. They did not acknowledge Bryan or I once, Donita ignored us trying to talk to her, and Ron did not even say hi. That is all the negative I have. Other than that... WELL one more negative, the mosquitos were terrible. Other than that the reception was nice. Nick and Andrea are so cute together and you can really tell they love one another. We love Andrea and she is so much fun to be around. She is down to earth and so pretty. We are excited to have her become one of the family.

Well eventually I will plug in my camera and update this thing with more pictures. Especially now that I have to. We are participating in a foster program for animals. The animals are rescued from shelters so that they are not euthanized and placed into foster homes for them to get adopted out. It is going to be great. The program is and it does not put the dogs down. Our first little one will be a 2 year old beagle male. We don't know a lot about him but we can't wait to meet him and help him in his little journey. We get to name him too since he does not have a name and we will help get him publicity for getting adopted. We are excited and I will post more pictures when I can. I only have the one that was sent to me by the program coordinator. We will continue to update on the animals we are trying to help.