Good Weekend
Monday, May 24, 2010 by Monkey and Britter Brit
Well we had a pretty good weekend. We went and saw Iron Man 2 which is a movie that Bryan has wanted to see for a while. It was pretty good other than the ending fight was a little anti-climatic I thought. I kind of wanted a little more battle to go on between Rhodes, Tony, and the Russian guy when they fought in the end. But all in all a good movie for sure.

We also red boxed a couple movies for our Sunday night. We watched The Descent 2 and Legion. The Descent 2 really did ruin the first movie for us. In the first movie they ended it with making you think that all of the 5 girls that went down into an uncharted cave system died. Well apparently in an attempt to make more money, one of the girls survives but has no memories of what had happened and if her friends were alive even. So they make her, a crazy distraught victim, go back down into the cave system to help in finding the missing bodies. She finally remembers what happens and tries to escape out of the system before the blind sound sensing creatures find them. Then it is just a matter of time before everybody starts getting killed off one by one. Also Juno, the character from the first movie that was left for dead, makes an appearance near the end. They left you assuming that everyone dies again and the chances that Juno, the girl that was stabbed in the leg and left for dead in the first movie, actually surviving and not killing Sarah, the girl who left her for dead, is really small. I liked the first movie but the second movie was a major let down. Also the supporting actress to the main character I felt was a little wimpy for her being a police officer. Also I got pretty mad that the two rescue people got it so quickly like they did. I don't know. All in all not one anyone really wants to see.

Legion was a good one. Both Bryan and I really liked it. It is about Paradise Falls, a po dunk out in the middle of nowhere town where a pregnant waitress, a diner owner and his son live. The pregnant girl, Charlie, does not know where the baby daddy is and is about 8 months pregnant. A couple with their young daughter were in the diner due to their car breaking down and a man shortly shows up, lost and looking to use a phone. The movie really starts to get interesting when an old lady shows up and ends up trying to kill everyone by being possessed. Then the plot really comes out when a mysterious man shows up with lots of guns and ammunition. What is happening is that God had lost his faith in mankind and decides to send his angels to possess people and take over the world and exterminate mankind. Gabriel and Michael are his sons that are angels and Michael is given an order to kill the baby of the waitress being that this baby is the only hope that mankind has for peace. Michael escapes heaven to cut off his wings and go to help the unsuspecting diner people is fending off all of the angels that are about to arrive to try to kill everyone. Gabriel is then made in charge of the extermination. It was a good one. We liked the effects of it and the story line. It also had some good actors in it that we liked. We would recommend this one for sure.

Other than watching some movies this weekend, I, Brittney, went and strutted our mutts at the 15th annual strut your mutt this year at veterans memorial park in west jordan. It was a blast. Blue was curious as ever and even almost yanked my arm out of the socket more than once trying to say hi to all the dogs and people. Daisy had a good time too but she slowed down after a while and enjoyed her walk. I will post pictures of all the lastest as soon as I convert all my photos from raw to jpeg on the computer. My mom went with me and brought Boston, our westie and he was struttin'. It was a lot of fun and I loved seeing all the different types of dogs and their owners. It was for a good cause too in making no more homeless pets in Utah. It was great and we got some free t-shirts, a frisbee, and some great information on supplies in Utah for our doggies.

A good weekend for us and we really are looking forward to this next weekend at Twin Lakes in Idaho. We will slowly pack throughout the week and hopefully it will be good weather for us.