More Movies
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 by Monkey and Britter Brit
Well, Bryan has finally found a part time job with the Census bureau and starts the beginning of next week. Just in time actually because he was going to run out on his unemployment the week after so saved just in time.
We continue to be movie fans as always and have seen quite a few since our last post. We have seen Alice in Wonderland, Shutter Island, Death Proof, Closure, Sweet November, Day of the Dead, Midnight Movie, and more of course but I really can't remember them all. Some were in the theatres and some were on the television.
Alice in Wonderland was pretty good we thought and it was really closer to the book which was nice. It is always good to see Johnny Depp doing his usual strange character that he does. All in all a good one for sure. Shutter Island was awesome and most definitely did not see that one coming at all. We highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good mystery/suspense movie. The rest of the movies were on tv and of course not the best but some were pretty good. We actually got to watch death proof with friends of our and quite enjoyed it. It is always nice to see the victims start to fight back and win. Closure was interesting. I guess if you have never seen a guy butt raped by a rifle before that would be a new sight for you. It is about this couple that gets beaten and raped in the woods and they go after the individuals that did it to them to get revenge. Sweet November is an older one but I got told that it was a great movie that I had to watch. I personally was not a fan of the ending. I really don't like the kind of sad endings and it really did ruin the movie for me. Day of the Dead was of course the same rating as most zombie movies, a B movie. There were some awesome effects though and it was good to watch. Midnight Movie was definately a slasher film and is good for those nights you want to be grossed out horror type of movies. Again there is more that we watched recently, or moreover I watched while Bryan fell asleep on the couch.

We continue to be movie fans as always and have seen quite a few since our last post. We have seen Alice in Wonderland, Shutter Island, Death Proof, Closure, Sweet November, Day of the Dead, Midnight Movie, and more of course but I really can't remember them all. Some were in the theatres and some were on the television.
Alice in Wonderland was pretty good we thought and it was really closer to the book which was nice. It is always good to see Johnny Depp doing his usual strange character that he does. All in all a good one for sure. Shutter Island was awesome and most definitely did not see that one coming at all. We highly recommend it to anyone looking for a good mystery/suspense movie. The rest of the movies were on tv and of course not the best but some were pretty good. We actually got to watch death proof with friends of our and quite enjoyed it. It is always nice to see the victims start to fight back and win. Closure was interesting. I guess if you have never seen a guy butt raped by a rifle before that would be a new sight for you. It is about this couple that gets beaten and raped in the woods and they go after the individuals that did it to them to get revenge. Sweet November is an older one but I got told that it was a great movie that I had to watch. I personally was not a fan of the ending. I really don't like the kind of sad endings and it really did ruin the movie for me. Day of the Dead was of course the same rating as most zombie movies, a B movie. There were some awesome effects though and it was good to watch. Midnight Movie was definately a slasher film and is good for those nights you want to be grossed out horror type of movies. Again there is more that we watched recently, or moreover I watched while Bryan fell asleep on the couch.

MEET MASON!!! The cutest little addition to the family clan of dogs that are out numbering us now. He is a yorkie pomeranian mix and my sister and her husband got him about three to four weeks ago. He is spunky as all can be so cute! He weighs about a pound and he fits in perfectly with all other 7 dogs.