Christmas Goodness
Monday, December 28, 2009 by Monkey and Britter Brit
Well we had a pretty good Christmas this year. We did pretty good when it came to getting the good stuff. Bryan of course got a new XBOX 360 since his last one recently died and he recieved the new game that he wanted, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. We also got a new camping table from my parents, a fire pit from Bryan's parents, and quite a few new games of cards and board nature. I got a new sewing machine, True Blood Season 1 (which if you know me, I love True Blood), Beatles Rockband, a bread maker, and a cricut for a first. Woo hoo! Also got some new clothes, an electric toothbrush, and Muse tickets for the concert on April 5th. Gotta love it. Did really good for Christmas. We also did the traditional clam chowder Christmas Eve, and the carriage ride down town, slept over at my parents, and got breakfast in bed. We also actually was able to go somewhere for my birthday this year for dinner. We went to Cafe Trang downtown. It was good other than we had a bad waiter. He was really terrible. Everyone else had had their food for about 15 minutes before my dad and I got ours. Then he disappeared when we asked for more drinks and we had to ask the bus boy for things. Our waiter had only 4 tables and could not handle it. But all in all a good time this year.

We also got to go see two movies this weekend which was a real treat for us since we are kind of broke. I have such an awesome mom that hooked us up with tickets. We went and saw Sherlock Holmes which was a good show. I did not think it would be but I really liked it. We also got to see Avatar in 3D which was freakin' awesome. Both Bryan and I fell in love with the movie. It was like a modern day FernGully if anyone actually remembers that show. We loved it though, so good to see it in 3D I think that made it twice as good. Hope all is well with everyone and everyone had good holidays. We also have recently seen the Ugly Truth and Wolverine Origins. They both are great movies and we really enjoyed them.