This Last Weekend
Monday, July 13, 2009 by Monkey and Britter Brit
Well since we have been throwing my sister's fiance's paper route for the past 6 days let me just tell you how hard the weekend was. Throwing over 600 papers in 2 and a half hours really kicks a person's butt! Bryan and I had a very tiring weekend throwing our masses of papers into the dark. So as a result we really did no work around house or anything. We still have the one side strip to finish in our yard with gravel and the dogs room to put pergo down. Also now our lovely heavy dog, Daisy has destroyed the stairs that lead to the backyard and now we have to replace those as well. Life is a real peach but don't worry the poop will fall out. Famous words from my padre. So we caught a matinee on Saturday and went and saw Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.
It was a good one and I really enjoyed it and so did Bryan. It is good for kids with a little adult humor in there. The squirrel creature really plays a big role in this one and almost steals the show with his obsession with a new love another squirrel and his acorn. Great movie and I highly recommend it. It was so much fun just going on a little date with my hubby and acting like we were dating again like before we were married. It was nice to see a clean movie that we could both laugh at so it really is a good movie for all occasions.

Then later that night we went with our good friends Brad and Brieanna to see Transformers 2.
Transformers 2 was absolutely packed with action and it was constant. It was a great movie as well. I was really impressed with the plot being that it never lagged on what needed to be done. There was only a small love affair on the side and did not over power the movie nor detract from it. If you like constant action, good special effects, and good acting this is the one for you. We all enjoyed it and was glad we got the opportunity to see it.

We had a good lazy days but then once we got home from the movies it was time to leave to throw papers. So we went 18 hours without sleep and crashed when we got home. So all in all it was a good weekend except for those lovely paper routes. But hopefully Bryan will get a job soon and we can quit those or I can get the job I recently applied for at the Church office building just doing janitorial work. It would be nice. I would save on gas and mileage and most of all my sanity. I can handle janitorial much easier. So good luck wishes to both of us and we will continue to keep you all up to date. Later.
It was a good one and I really enjoyed it and so did Bryan. It is good for kids with a little adult humor in there. The squirrel creature really plays a big role in this one and almost steals the show with his obsession with a new love another squirrel and his acorn. Great movie and I highly recommend it. It was so much fun just going on a little date with my hubby and acting like we were dating again like before we were married. It was nice to see a clean movie that we could both laugh at so it really is a good movie for all occasions.

Then later that night we went with our good friends Brad and Brieanna to see Transformers 2.
Transformers 2 was absolutely packed with action and it was constant. It was a great movie as well. I was really impressed with the plot being that it never lagged on what needed to be done. There was only a small love affair on the side and did not over power the movie nor detract from it. If you like constant action, good special effects, and good acting this is the one for you. We all enjoyed it and was glad we got the opportunity to see it.

We had a good lazy days but then once we got home from the movies it was time to leave to throw papers. So we went 18 hours without sleep and crashed when we got home. So all in all it was a good weekend except for those lovely paper routes. But hopefully Bryan will get a job soon and we can quit those or I can get the job I recently applied for at the Church office building just doing janitorial work. It would be nice. I would save on gas and mileage and most of all my sanity. I can handle janitorial much easier. So good luck wishes to both of us and we will continue to keep you all up to date. Later.