Quick update in photos
Thursday, July 9, 2009 by Monkey and Britter Brit

Yes that is right, we caught Santa Clause on his vacation in the Caribbean. Just kidding. We actually had the Association of Real Bearded Santas on our cruise line. Every corner you would turn you would see a Santa Clause. They dressed with red and white and wore all sorts of Santa vacation shirts and what not. These guys really get into it. It was awesome.

Here are some photos from my birthday dinner at McGrath's restaurant. Our food was wonderful except for Dad's because according to him "I am a salmon conesore and this salmon is terrible and it is more like Jordan River salmon." Padre is hilarious and this is quite often a memory that we continue to bring up at the table all the time.

I got the wonderful chance of a lifetime and got to go to the Rigby Temple erected just this last year with my cousin, aunt, and uncle. It was so beautiful inside and a wonderful place. This was right before my cousin, Jason left for his mission so it was something wonderful that I got to experience with him before he left for his two years. Man I miss him and I have missed my other cousin on his mission as well. He comes home in August and I am so excited to see him again. Richie we have been told looks like my twin and we have been close ever since we were little. I can't wait to see them both come home safely again.

We also took some updating photos of our little "kids" that take up most of our time. Daisy, Chewy, H-man, and Gretchen.

You maybe asking yourself what the hell is that in the picture above. That is Daisy laying against the shed in the sun. I could not resist taking this picture because see our destroyed yard... she did it all. She would destroy the grass by running on it with her massive paws, she had gotten a hold of the vacuum and used the attachment as a chew toy, ripped boards from the fence and chewed on them and managed to tear some of the garbage from the can and play with it in the yard. This picture says it all and doesn't she just look so innocent?
Chewy as a clean little man. Isn't he handsome?

We went camping in the high Uintas. The difference is you need a four wheel vehicle to get there and it is completely away from any civilization. You use tents not campers nor trailers and man it really is nature up there. Bryan and I sat for a good half hour listening to a moose calling in the distance at one point and every morning you could see new tracks through your camp site. It was the best.
Chewy as a rag mop. He camps best when he looks like this.
What a great Kodak moment. I love my little family.
Darcy and Danny kept arguing on where they wanted to hike so I thought I would snap a little lovely moment of silence they were taking.