Photo update
Monday, January 17, 2011 by Monkey and Britter Brit

So, it has been a while since I actually updated this with some photos. Above is Henry just chilling on the front porch. We seriously love all our animals so much. I know, how can we love so many animals? They make it easy to love them. Each and everyone of them have there own little personality and tid bits about them that makes them unique. Henry is our little mouse killer. He also gets birds which is just who he is. Henry got 18 mice this last year alone. He is Mr. Cool though. He is the most easy going cat. He does not need a lot of attention and he is happy and content just hanging out outside all summer and hibernating during the winter in the house. He is so wonderful to have around and we are so grateful for him.

Gretchen is the ruler of the house. She has taken all control and rules the roost. She is so adorable and snuggles right next to me at night. She loves to cuddle next to me in the bed which is so not a cat personality but she is definetely not the average cat. She gets any mice that come into the house and she loves it. She goes where she wants, when she wants. She is my little protector though. Bryan and I are firm believers in heaven and hell and God and the Devil. I know it may sound corny, but one night after watching Paranormal Activity, something did not feel right in the house. We went to bed and of course Bryan fell right asleep but I was having a hard time falling asleep and something felt like it was in the room near the door. I was freaked out. But shortly after, Gretchen came in the room, jumped on the bed, and curled up next to me. She did not go to sleep though as usual. She stayed awake most of the night and she kept looking in the area that I felt scared of. She did this every night for two weeks straight. She would come in the room and not sleep, which is not her usual self. She did this until I felt better about the room. I was not constantly looking at the corner of the room but I could just feel something looking at me. She is such a good cat and she is such a momma's girl.

Well, my parents and I (Bryan had to work) just before the summer was over went to the Ruby Marshes. It was a total blast! We went for large mouth bass fishing but we did not catch much it was still a lot of fun to hang out with family.

Boston in the truck all ready to go fishing.

My dad does get a little anxious to get going in the morning. But mom, of course, makes him wait a little. But we still had fun fishing in the early morning.

Blue in the truck all ready to go fishing.

This last summer, we fostered a rescued Beagle, named Buddy. He was adopted by a loving family with a little boy. This is our final picture with the Buddy man.

My pop and me went to see Chris Isaak in concert. It was a good concert and even for an older performer, he did awesome. It was a really fun time, my dad and I just hanging out for the evening.

And last but not least at all, I found this picture of Baby Blue when he was a puppy. He is all grown up now and will be turning two this year. It is crazy to think how quickly he has grown up. All of our dogs actually. Chewy will be five this year and Daisy will be four already. That is crazy to think. Time flies by when your surrounded by dogs. Whoever said that animals don't have souls (I mean no offense to anyone), has never had a dog. When I die, my heaven will be with all my old pets and latests. I also updated our foster website with new photos of Olive. Check it out and if you know anyone that needs a great family dog, she is perfect for them. ( )