Well, Bryan has finally been able to complete his computer and so now I will taking more photos because when the computer crashed we were not able to post any photos. Now we will be able to. Woo Hoo! I just have to sit down and download them all so once I have a little time one of these nights, I will bombard with a couple posts of updates. Well the school year has officially started again. Chemistry II and Biology II are what I will be taking this semester. Bryan is looking at becoming a forest ranger or something along those lines. He is also very interested in becoming a Fish and Game officer so he will be starting classes again in the fall to further pursue his wants and dreams of becoming a permanent outdoors man. We have watched quite a movies lately. Mostly on Netflix, which is such an awesome wonderful invention. I love it because I can just watch whatever movies I want on our television through Bryan's XBOX Live account. It rocks. Also we have been able to see some of the movies in the theatres as well even though that is much more expensive.
We recently went and saw True Grit with Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon. I am definitely a fan of the westerns and the great one, John Wayne. This was a remake of the original that had John Wayne and Glenn Campbell in it. It was really good. I was so surprised by the amazing acting job done by the young girl in this movie. She did great and I thought even better than the original actress. She was so talented in portraying the character so well and I thought that she had more True Grit than Jeff Bridges character. It is about a young girl who hires a marshal to help in finding her father's murderer. It has the old western feeling about it and it was really good.

We also recently went and saw The Tourist with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp. I am a fan of Johnny Depp and this role was not his usual role that was for sure. He did very well though and the movie is quite good with a few twists and turns. The plot was a little dull though and I was not completely impressed. I would give it like 4 stars out of 5 though and I would recommend it to anyone once it is out on DVD. It is about a man who meets a woman on a train who claims to be a tourist and she is actually being followed by government men for the things that her ex-husband had done. She tries to make the men following her think that the tourist is actually this man they are looking for. It was very funny and witty.

Those are the ones we actually spent the money for a night out and went and saw. The rest are ones that have been out a while and we just watched on Netflix or television.
The Big Lebowski was a different movie for sure. It was good in a twisted way that didn't really make sense. I enjoyed the cast of great actors and actresses but the story line was little hard to follow at times and the characters are on a whole different level of weirdness at times. It is not a movie for the G rated soul or even the PG or PG-13 souls. There is some definite nudity and adult language. It is about a man who is confused with a millionaire who's wife had some bad gambling debt and "The Dude" (Jeff Bridges character) is pulled into a terrible mess of different people wanting money and everything from one another. It was very funny at times and it is a little more the silly humor but all in all a good movie.

Stigmata was good one for sure. It is about a girl who receives a cross in the mail from her mother who is traveling through Mexico and small towns. She is not religious in any way and strange things start happening to her. She starts becoming attacked when nothing is there to attack her and she even becomes possessed at many times. The acting was great and the plot never was dull or plain. It moved smoothly and just right. I really enjoy these kinds of horror movies. They are my favorites. I guess because they are a little too close to home when you believe in the devil. I would recommend this movie to those who are not weak hearted and want a good enthralling movie to enjoy.

SLC Punk was a good movie as well. It was actually filmed in Salt Lake and takes place in the 80s. The main character is narrating why he lives his life as a punk and the people around him are definitely interesting. It has good acting in it as well. There are turns that you do not really expect in it and it is so funny to watch being that I live in Salt Lake and have my whole life. The main character throughout the whole movie just randomly turns to the camera and starts talking so it is literally narrated through out with constant commentary. The plot is good and the movie moves perfectly. A good one to watch for sure.

OMG! Frozen is one of the top ten movies to make me cringe. Some of the things that happen to the characters through the movie just makes you go, Ewww!!! It makes you feel icky all over. The movie is about a girl, her boyfriend, and the boyfriend's friend who go up snowboarding and skiing for a day and get left on the chair lift half way up the mountain. The ski place closes and everyone goes home for the week leaving these kids on the chair lift to freeze to death. Their chair stops at a place that is not next to any poles and is about 100 feet off the ground. They have to figure out how to get down and so many things go wrong with every attempt to safety. It is one that I would recommend to the horror fan but not the romantic comedy fan. The characters are great in the plot. I know the plot sounds stupid and in a way it is but the horror fan should already know that most horror movies are stupid plots anyways.

Fame is a remake of the movie Fame from earlier on. It is really like a movie to get those that are really talented in dance and song (not really acting) out for the world to see what they can do. There are some really talented people in this movie and they did a good job. I really enjoyed the songs that they sang and dances that they did. The plot was stupid though and acting was really not that great. It was very sub ordinary. Actually this is one that I would not recommend to anyone really. It was not that good even for a musical fan.

This one is definitely a classic to go on the books. I had never seen this movie before until someone mentioned to me to watch it. It was a good one. It is a little corny being that it is from a different era of movies. Fred Savage has to be the cutest kid ever on the big screen. He plays his role perfectly. The movie is based out of a small town where a girl and her family move after their father is dies. The next door neighbor boy of this girl seems like he is riding the special bus at all times but she finds out that his parents had been killed in an airplane crash and ever since he stopped talking and pretended to be an airplane all the time. It is a great original movie that has a good plot with great in depth characters. They just do not make movies like they used to that is for sure and this movie shows that. I would recommend to anyone to watch this one for sure.

Alright all you romantic comedy fans, this is a movie for you. Did You Hear About the Morgans has a good cast with some cute characters. Hugh Grant's character and Sarah Jessica Parker's are a married couple that had separated and were looking at divorce. Being big New Yorkers, the couple trying to talk out their difference on the street one night, witness a murder and are placed in the witness relocation program where they are relocated to Wyoming clear out in the middle of no where. Of course the sparks start to fly again as they just try to survive the wilderness. It is a good movie with good acting and a fun plot. There is a lot of humor and I even enjoyed it and I am not a romantic comedy fan.

Outsourced is a movie that is actually the basis for the television series. It actually has the same plot as the series and it is a good one to watch. I enjoyed and enjoy the television series as well. It is about a man who after all his fellow employees are laid off is transferred to the new office in India where he finds a girl her loves. He has to try and work his butt off if he wants to ever go home again and make the new call center flawless. The characters are great and the plot is good. It is definitely a funny one with some romantic comedy mixed in. I would recommend to anyone who likes to laugh in a non-raunchy way.

Murder by Numbers is a good one. I am not much of a fan of Sandra Bullock but this one is good. It is about an investigator who is trying to find the murder of a young woman. She has her own deep dark secret as well which is a factor into why she is so passionate about finding the killer. Two young high school boys are her top suspects and she has good reason too. The characters are dark in this movie and I really enjoyed the roles that each one played. The plot is a good one that keeps you enthralled throughout the whole movie. You do not figure out what really happened until the end which is nice and it comes with a twist. I would recommend this movie for sure.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not is a really cute movie. I liked it with it's twist at the end. It is about a girl who is having an affair with a married doctor but not everything is as it seems for this couple. I have really started to fall in love with the actress who plays the main character, Audrey Tautou. I have a seen a couple now with her and she is a really cute actress that I love watching. This movie is in a different language so it does have subtitles. Well worth it though because it is a good movie that is a little different as well. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a good movie because it definitely does not fall into the wimpy movies or even the romantic comedy genre.

Amelie is another movie that is definitely different with the same actress that I just mentioned above. She is such a cute character to watch. This movie is rather hard to explain in text so I will just say it is one that I would recommend.

Afterlife has a good cast with Christina Ricci and Justin Long. It is about a girl that after she is killed in a car accident she is only been able to be seen by the mortician that is caring for her until her funeral. It is a dark twisted movie that is pretty good. The movie is different for sure but I would recommend to most horror fans.

Better Off Ted is a television series that I would recommend to anyone wanting to watch a good show to make them laugh. I loved this series after watching it. It has been cancelled now after two seasons but the two seasons are definitely worth watching. The characters are great and the plots are wonderful. I enjoyed this series and would recommend to anyone.

Being John Malcovich is a different movie and not one of my favorites. It is about a filing man who finds a secret door that once you crawl into it you get to live your life in the eyes of John Malcovich. You see what he sees and what he feels. It is an okay movie, but the plot is a little dull at points and some of it seems a little perverse.

Well that is all the movies that we have watched recently and our take on them.
Well, once I find the time to upload some photos I will. Until then, I will just keep updating with our latest fun adventures.