Family Pictures
Wednesday, December 8, 2010 by Monkey and Britter Brit

We had some pictures taken by Nancy, Bryan's cousin's wife, for Christmas cards and just because we wanted to. I know alert the media, Brittney in a pink shirt. They turned out really good. The only thing is that Olive would not hold still or look at the camera so we only got a few with her. But all in all they are some good ones of Bryan and I.
We are still waiting to hear when Olive girl will have her surgery to have the lumps removed and her to get fixed. I guess right now they just do not have the funds. All the schooling that is left this year for the semester is one more final in Biology on Monday and a take home final for Chemistry that is due next week. Other than that, all the same is the same. Here are the pictures that Nancy Patterson Photography took.

This is the only picture we could get to look at the camera and hold still. She definitely has the Labrador personality.