Four Wheelin' and 24th Weekend
Monday, July 26, 2010 by Monkey and Britter Brit
Well we had a blast with my cousin Richard when we went out two weekends ago and went four wheeling. Rich brought his dirt bike and really got it dirty for the first time. He did great too. He was riding that bike like a pro.
(BELOW: We found these cool clay pits that had all sorts of colors of clay. We decided to climb on top of the pretty colored piles for some kodak moments.)

Well to start us off, Rich was supposed to be down to Salt Lake by 5:00 pm. Well it was more like 8:00 pm by the time he got there though. We had a few stops to make before leaving the Salt Lake Valley (gas station, Wal-Mart, Wendy's for dinner, and Smith's for firewood). Once we were finally on our way it was supposed to be a short drive to Little Moab just on the West side of Utah Lake that we were supposed to go. Bryan had been there once before and swore that he would be able to find it again no problem. We he couldn't find it. Typical man not to be prepared with directions. So we found a dirt road that we drove up for a bit and found a camping site just off the road. We were getting tired and it was almost 1:00 am by the time we finally got to the spot. We ended up just unloading the toys (aka four wheeler and dirt bike) and threw the sleeping bags in the beds of the trucks and slept while being eaten alive by bugs.
(BELOW: I try to take photos of the landscape but I am not the best photographer. Here are just some site seeing shots from us riding around the small valley and out in the open land we drove through.)

We woke up the next morning to find the four wheeler had a flat tire. GREAT! At least we were not far from a Wal-Mart and after Rich took his bike for a short ride up a hill (which he actually got stuck on and stalled out on and got stuck for about 10 minutes) we loaded up again and made our way to Wal-Mart. We also had forgotten bug spray (stupidly) so we had to go either way. Rich is such a great person to be around and he is so funny. He was obsessed with finding some soft serve ice cream and we were in luck because Saratoga Springs main had a Artic Circle and Rich got his ice cream that he was craving. It was also free fry day there so we also all got a free fry.
(BELOW: Bryan wants to be on top of the world with his toy so I snapped this pic while he was trying to get the four wheeler out of the truck.)

(BELOW: We got in so late that we slept in the bed of the truck without a tent. We got eaten, well I did, and I got this pic as Bryan was cleaning up the bed of the truck. I love how helpful he can be when he wants to be.)

We then drove back out to find a good place to camp and drive for the rest of the day. This is when we found Burning Chair Pointe. The story behind Burning Chair Pointe is that sadly some campers don't follow the rule that if you bring it in, you take it out and to leave the campsite as you found it or better. Well when we found the spot at the top of the hill that we wanted to camp at there were beer cans everywhere, an old pre calculus book, and a folding chair. It was pretty obvious that this chair had fallen into a fire with the previous campers and after they pulled it out they just left it there. Rich found it appropriate to call the spot Burning Chair Pointe considering. We later that night built a bon fire with our "premimum wood." Rich made an awesome speech as to why we had all gathered around the fire and officially initiated the camping spot's name by throwing the chair into the flames. We all cheered! It was great. Again why Richard is such a great guy, he has a wonderful sense of humor. We fixed the hole in the tire of the four wheeler with the kit we bought at Wal-Mart.

(ABOVE: This is the infamous chair that gave Burning Chair Pointe it's name.)

(ABOVE: This is Rich's sweet set up.)

(ABOVE: Our awesome setup.)
(BELOW: Our view of the mountains.)

(ABOVE & BELOW: Bryan had to ride through a big water puddle. It was fun for him to get drenched.)

(BELOW: Rich enjoyed the shade and playing games on my ipod and we tried to stay cool in such hot heat.)

(BELOW: Want to see Bryan with heat stroke? Just look below. He had such a bad headache and he was sick and fried all at once. He was miserable.)

(BELOW: Just chillin' in the shade of the truck.)

Rich and I spent about two hours taking a nap after Rich and Bryan took a short ride. I had finished setting up camp. Bryan during our nap took a ride on the four wheeler without a hat, no sunglasses, and it was right in the middle of the day. Needless to say he got fried on his forehead, neck and arms. He was redder than a lobster who has been boiled. He was cooked. We ended up going for a great ride though after Rich and I woke up. We rode about 22 miles on this great trail that was fun as hell. It had some moguls that Bryan flew over and we got going pretty fast. It was a blast. Rich did awesome on his bike too going through them and he was moving out pretty fast. We went back to camp once to fill up again and we were off again. This time we went the opposite direction and we got lost. The trails we were following were ending and we kind of had to find our own way for a bit. It was also starting to get dark at that point and we were a little concerned for Rich. He has a dirt bike so it did not have a light on it. We finally found a trail that led us back to the right road after having to walk Rich's bike down a very steep rocky hill and we made it back to camp before the sun completely disappeared.

(BELOW: Bryan driving the four wheeler and getting fried.)

(BELOW: While we were driving I tried my best to get some good photos and since Rich was the only real target, I took some photos of him driving his dirt bike.)

That night we made ourselves some hobo dinners and chatted around the fire. Bryan did not feel well at all from the heat stroke so he went to bed early. Rich and I spent most of the night just talking and dodging the bugs and embers from the fire. We had a blast though. The next morning we woke up and loaded up everything and made our ways back to Salt Lake where we ate at Rumbi for lunch, got some awesome Maggie Moo ice cream, and ate a delicious dinner at my mom's before Rich made his way back to Idaho. All in all a great trip.
Well we had another three day weekend this last weekend and we had a good time just relaxing around the house most of it. Friday we just laid around the house watching movies and staying cool. Saturday morning Bryan and I got up really early to go support my sister, Darcy, as she ran the 10K that was held on by Deseret News. She did awesome and ran the race in 57 minutes. That is really far. 6.2 miles. She ran it fast. I was really impressed and so proud of her. She is a great sister and knows how to set a good example. After the race Bryan and I made our way back to the car because we are not really parade people when we realized that I had dropped my car keys somewhere in the crowd. We retraced our steps and luckily someone had handed to a police officer. Thank you Jebus. We went home and rested for a bit before meeting up my sister. We went and saw Inception at the movies with my sister Darcy and it was a great movie. I would highly recommend it anyone looking for a good thriller. I love Leonardo Dicaprio in his new found dark films that he is in. He is really good at it. The whole cast was great and we really enjoyed it. Saturday night we hanged out with Bryan's family and went to Village Inn where Amber treated us to dinner. We had fun. Sunday we just enjoyed the day and took Blue and Daisy to the dog park across from Liberty Park. They had a blast and enjoyed their time with the other friendly dogs. Well some were friendly. This one couple had three dogs they brought and two of them had wolf in them. That really made me nervous for sure since one of those dogs kept coming after Daisy. She is not one to back down easily and will fight any dog that challenges her and this dog challenged her more than once. We had to leave earlier than planned because of it. Blue made lots of friends like he always does and he had a lot of fun. He is such a fun loving dog and so affectionate. He is really smart too. He is now learning to sit and shake and it is so cute. He just raises his paw without you having to ask and just putting your hand down. Gotta love them! :) Well that is all the latest with us and I will post a couple pictures of Darcy running later and more of the doggies too when I get my camera plugged in again.