Fun Weekend
Monday, June 28, 2010 by Monkey and Britter Brit

Saturday was pretty busy too. First we started off with a little yard work followed by a trip to Lowe's for some home improvement needs. When we bought our house, the front door frame was bent but we did not really notice until it kept bending and soon became so hard to close we just shut it one day and latched it shut. We have not opened it since and have been using the side door instead. We are just lucky enough that the movement of the door has not affected our alarm system and it will be easy to replace. Bryan the handyman and his dad, Don, the master handyman, will replace the door this week. When we went to buy the new door, the doors only came with the frame built in and we could not find a door that we could just put on the old door frame. I admit I was nervous about the thought of trying to do that big of a job and not having a professional do it, but when I found out that Don had done it before, I was suddenly comforted. Don is great at all the tasks that he does and between him and Bryan they are unstoppable for any task. I am so lucky to have such a great husband that is so good with his hands and is able to do those things that I am not capable of. We also got some brand new dead bolts and more decorative handles for the doors too and I love them. Also the door that we got is also under work by yours truly. I am currently updating the plain white door with a splash of color. Spanish red to be accurate. It is a really deep red and I have just fallen in love with it. It is really going to look good and accent the tan exterior of our home. It even kind of matches the burgundy curtains we have in the front window. I am really turning into a person that loves the colors that are a little more bold and powerful instead of just earth tones. I like both really. We still have tons of work to do on the house for sure. The work never ends. We also finally got the tree cut down that was in our sidewalk. We are in the process of killing the roots now and starting to work on cleaning out the side of the house and slowly making our way to the backyard to work on. Slowly but surely. No one tells you that when you buy a house that it is really expensive to maintain plus not to mention that any improvements you want to make will cost a fortune. Again I am lucky to have such a hard working husband that can work hard on our home improvements and saves us so much in installment fees.

So after the trips to Lowe's and some small home improvement tasks, we made our way out to Herriman to my good friend Cassie's house. Her aunt was in charge of the demolition derby in West Jordan and we got to go be timers. It was a blast. We had the best seats in the house for the derby, front and center for all the action. There were multiple roll overs and they are so much fun to see. It is funny how excited you can get when you know that the cars are about to collide. The adrenaline is great! We also got some free rodeo tickets for volunteering like we did. It was a win win situation for sure.

After the demolition derby we went and got some yummy Coldstone's ice cream and Jordan Landing then sat and chatted for a while with Cassie and her boyfriend, Todd. We like Todd. He is really nice and he treats Cassie good. We can tell that they really compliment one another and we hope every thing works out great between them. After ice cream, we went back to Cassie's house and watched the Skeleton Key. I have never before seen this movie and it was pretty good. You really had to think a little at the ending but it was good. Kate Hudson really surprised me in her role and I was impressed that she was able to do so good in a horror suspense show where it is she is always in the romantic comedies genre. I was impressed. I would definately recommend it for sure.

Then on Sunday we literally slept in until like one because of the fact that we did not get home until like 4 in the morning from Saturday night. It was worth it though to get to hang out with Cassie and her Todd. It was a blast. We then got up and lounged until about 5 in the afternoon before heading over to my parents for a yummy dinner. My mom made home made hamburgers, home made potato salad, and some yummy beans. We then watched the episode of True Blood, our favorite television series right now. It was a good one too, that was really intense and we loved it. We can't wait for next weeks episode. We then went home to put another coat of paint on the door, lay out more mulch in the flower beads, and then just spend the evening lounging. It was really nice to get such a good rest weekend to prepare for the week and weekend that lies ahead. I have to work the usual 60 hour week Monday through Friday, then I have to work 4 more hours on Saturday, then to work Monday through Friday at the day job, but only Wednesday through Friday at the night job. It is going to be a long two weeks coming up. But I will make it through somehow.
Well that is all the latest from this weekend. Eventually I will update with more of our life pictures.