Fun Weekend

We had a great weekend this week. It was wonderful because we actually got to finally spend some time together. Friday night, since Bryan was busy with chores and other tasks during the day, we had some oh so yummy (sarcastically) Beto's mexican drive thru food. It was really not that good at all and neither one of us ended up finishing the food. Yuck. We put our food down quickly and started watching a BBC presentation series called Life. It was pretty good and it was about all the meat eaters in the animal kingdom is the one episode we watched. It was pretty good that we put our food down quickly too because it showed some of the meals that the animals were eating and it would have made us even sicker if we had tried to eat and watch the series.

Saturday was pretty busy too. First we started off with a little yard work followed by a trip to Lowe's for some home improvement needs. When we bought our house, the front door frame was bent but we did not really notice until it kept bending and soon became so hard to close we just shut it one day and latched it shut. We have not opened it since and have been using the side door instead. We are just lucky enough that the movement of the door has not affected our alarm system and it will be easy to replace. Bryan the handyman and his dad, Don, the master handyman, will replace the door this week. When we went to buy the new door, the doors only came with the frame built in and we could not find a door that we could just put on the old door frame. I admit I was nervous about the thought of trying to do that big of a job and not having a professional do it, but when I found out that Don had done it before, I was suddenly comforted. Don is great at all the tasks that he does and between him and Bryan they are unstoppable for any task. I am so lucky to have such a great husband that is so good with his hands and is able to do those things that I am not capable of. We also got some brand new dead bolts and more decorative handles for the doors too and I love them. Also the door that we got is also under work by yours truly. I am currently updating the plain white door with a splash of color. Spanish red to be accurate. It is a really deep red and I have just fallen in love with it. It is really going to look good and accent the tan exterior of our home. It even kind of matches the burgundy curtains we have in the front window. I am really turning into a person that loves the colors that are a little more bold and powerful instead of just earth tones. I like both really. We still have tons of work to do on the house for sure. The work never ends. We also finally got the tree cut down that was in our sidewalk. We are in the process of killing the roots now and starting to work on cleaning out the side of the house and slowly making our way to the backyard to work on. Slowly but surely. No one tells you that when you buy a house that it is really expensive to maintain plus not to mention that any improvements you want to make will cost a fortune. Again I am lucky to have such a hard working husband that can work hard on our home improvements and saves us so much in installment fees.

So after the trips to Lowe's and some small home improvement tasks, we made our way out to Herriman to my good friend Cassie's house. Her aunt was in charge of the demolition derby in West Jordan and we got to go be timers. It was a blast. We had the best seats in the house for the derby, front and center for all the action. There were multiple roll overs and they are so much fun to see. It is funny how excited you can get when you know that the cars are about to collide. The adrenaline is great! We also got some free rodeo tickets for volunteering like we did. It was a win win situation for sure.

After the demolition derby we went and got some yummy Coldstone's ice cream and Jordan Landing then sat and chatted for a while with Cassie and her boyfriend, Todd. We like Todd. He is really nice and he treats Cassie good. We can tell that they really compliment one another and we hope every thing works out great between them. After ice cream, we went back to Cassie's house and watched the Skeleton Key. I have never before seen this movie and it was pretty good. You really had to think a little at the ending but it was good. Kate Hudson really surprised me in her role and I was impressed that she was able to do so good in a horror suspense show where it is she is always in the romantic comedies genre. I was impressed. I would definately recommend it for sure.

Then on Sunday we literally slept in until like one because of the fact that we did not get home until like 4 in the morning from Saturday night. It was worth it though to get to hang out with Cassie and her Todd. It was a blast. We then got up and lounged until about 5 in the afternoon before heading over to my parents for a yummy dinner. My mom made home made hamburgers, home made potato salad, and some yummy beans. We then watched the episode of True Blood, our favorite television series right now. It was a good one too, that was really intense and we loved it. We can't wait for next weeks episode. We then went home to put another coat of paint on the door, lay out more mulch in the flower beads, and then just spend the evening lounging. It was really nice to get such a good rest weekend to prepare for the week and weekend that lies ahead. I have to work the usual 60 hour week Monday through Friday, then I have to work 4 more hours on Saturday, then to work Monday through Friday at the day job, but only Wednesday through Friday at the night job. It is going to be a long two weeks coming up. But I will make it through somehow.

Well that is all the latest from this weekend. Eventually I will update with more of our life pictures.

The Latests

So, yeah I really suck at keeping this thing up to date. Sorry. It is too hard to keep up with the technology of today sometimes.

Well I guess we will start with the latests. Bryan is still looking for a job but he seems to becoming a little more serious about it lately which is really nice. He is trying SO hard to find one right now. He is applying everywhere he can and keeping the house clean. I really can't complain right now. He even is cooking meals at night which is so nice to come home to a meal. Love it!

We went paint balling this last weekend and had a good time for sure. Let me paint you a very vivid picture. The day was warm with a warm breezy wind. We met at Cassie's house where we bantered one another with smack talk such as "Ready to get owned?" and "Oh it is on like Donkey Kong." We all crawled (literally crawled) into Cassie's car and made our way onto the freeway towards my doom. The car drive was filled with laughter and jokes and happy feelings. We got to the paintball arena where we proceeded to pay the piper and rent some equipment less than standard equipment masks and fearingly failing paint ball guns. This equipment that was supposed to be our only means of defense and protection would be the type of equipment that the first guy to die in war would have. I had the feeling that bubble wrap and a marshmallow shooting gun would have been more protective and given me more comfort. The whistle was blown and we made our way to the war arena. The arena was covered with paint practically and filled with half filled inflatable life size building block. The ground was slippery with the remains of previously shot and fallen paint balls that for sure should have been a sign to me that this was probably a bad idea. We were separated into two groups, Cassie and Bryan on one team and Todd (Cassie's boyfriend) and myself on another. We made our ways through the battlefield to our designated starting points. "The game (game yeah right, more like war) will begin in 5 seconds," yelled the referee. He blew the whistle and we all scattered like coach roaches caught in a sudden shining light. I hid behind what I though was a good BIG mostly inflated building block. I was feeling pretty good about my chances at this point. I watched out of the corner of my eye as my team mate made his way around the inflatable toys and disappeared from my sight. I could see Cassie hiding and started to try and take her out. Now, at this point in time by gun malfunctioned (which no one told the girl that has never done this before to make sure to turn on the air) and as I went to make some adjustments to my failing weapon by looking down at it trying my hardest to hide behind my only means of shelter from the crossfire, the stealth killing machine man, Bryan, jumped up out of nowhere and fired a mass swarm of paint balls in my direction. With my guard being down and the same with my head, one of the many drilled it's way into my skull filling me with agony and pain and many profanities that no matter who you were, even if you were Gandhi you would yell "Shit!!!" I raised my hands in defeat and felt like I should fall to the ground and claim casualty. Bryan feeling the wonders of victory rose his hands in success and got revenge on every time I had asked him to take out the garbage, pick up his undies, and clean the toilet.

I only made it one more round of the game and one more game following before having to be put on the injured list for the day. We had a good time though. I got hit two more times once in the hip by the amazing amazon woman Cassie, and once in the mask again hit by Bryan. That boy watches the military channel way too much. Cassie had her own casualties of getting hit in the knee and butt by Bryan of course. Todd was hit about 5 time by Bryan and a couple times by the little kids that were like midget ninjas that were dominating the field. Bryan was only hit once but still managed to get the most paint on him of course. Messy fun! The only way I will ever go with Bryan again is if a helmet is involved.

We recently signed up for Netflix also and I love it. You can watch the movies and TV shows on the XBOX live. I have loved it because it has given me a chance to watch more movies that I have missed out on and I have even taken it upon myself to watch the top 100 horror movies out there and a few B- flicks as well just because being that I work two jobs I don't get much of an opportunity to watch movies like a used to and I don't really get any time to myself. So the movies on the XBOX have been awesome. We recently watched a pretty gory one called "The Hostel." If you want one that will scare you out of any hotel, European country, and pretty much trusting anyone ever again watch this movie. It is about three friends that are backpacking through Europe and find out about this Hostel in a small town that the girls are pretty and will do anything you want them to. It sounds too good to be true because then soon the friends find that each one is disappearing without a trace. Good movie for a gory movie and would only recommend it to you true horror movie fans.

A few more movies that I have actually got to watch finally has been some not so good ones but some goods ones too. I would recommend watching The Heist, Carlos Mencia: No Stings Attached, Karla, Tell-Tale, The Alphabet Killer, The Proposal, The Ghost and the Darkness, The People Under the Stairs, and the Evil Dead to name a few. They really are a mix of some horror, comedy, romance, and suspense. I would not really recommend but were not so bad as to say never watch them are The Stepfather, Follow the Prophet, Table for Three, Sorority Boys, Fear of the Dark, and Christine. Ones that I would never recommend not even to my worst of enemies are Fright Night, Tales from the Crapper, and the House of the Devil. Not that great. Check them out if you get a chance though if you are ever looking for a new kind of movie.

Well sadly, My aunt Linda passed away on June 10th of the lung cancer. We had a funeral for her on the 18th and it was really beautiful. She was cremated and had a beautiful urn that she was buried next to my Grandmother Ruth in. She will be greatly missed for sure and I already miss her.

We had a pretty non-eventful father's day for sure. We went to my parents house for a bar-b-Que which was some yummy new york steaks with twice baked potatoes, bread, salad, and mushrooms for the steak. So good. We then went to Bryan's parent's house and spent time just talking with his dad and some good family friends. Good times for sure.

The HBO series True Blood is back on and can I just say, WOOHOOWWOOHHOOOO!!!!! :) My mom, my dad, slowly Bryan, and myself LOVE this series. It is so good and you just have to love it. Something I really love about it is that is more to the original of how vampires really are. If you have not had a chance to watch the series, take advantage of it. Great!

We do have a few weddings coming up soon that will be fun to go to. We have my cousin's, Nick's and his fiance's, Andrea from Canada, coming up at the end of next month. Also Bryan's cousin, Jordan and his fiance's wedding is coming up as well. Well that is the latest on our little lives.

Twin Lakes

Well we had a good memorial day weekend this year at Twin Lakes just outside of Preston in Idaho. It was a little chilly most of the time and rained on Saturday which was stinky for camping but on Sunday we had some sun shine and got in a water fight even. The water was still too cold though because Bryan ended up hypothermia. We got him warm though by getting him some hot choco and sitting him in front of the heater in Grandma's trailer. He warmed up good. Bryan and I took the truck tent that this would be the second time using. It is so nice to use especially since that way we don't have to sleep in the ground and we stay warmer. It is such a nice tent that is pretty room, I can almost stand up straight in it. I forgot to get my camera out while we were camping so sadly no pictures this year of our adventures. We took our puppies too and Daisy has a bark that can be heard clear across the lake. LITERALLY!!! At one point Richie, Tanner (Richie's friend he brought), Dayton, and myself went out into the middle of the lake and jumped in. Well Richie got pushed in which he grabbed me before falling in and took me with him. As we were in the water, in the middle of the lake, I could hear Daisy barking. Man, she has a loud bark for sure. All in all a good trip but it really did end too quickly. Now it is back to working hard 12 hour days, occasional holidays, and not having another break until the middle of July.
Bryan is still looking for work. The Census job is done now and he is unemployed, again. This is really getting old and someone just needs to hire him. It is beyond suckie right now as far as that goes.