More Movies to Review
Monday, June 15, 2009 by Monkey and Britter Brit

Well since the last movie did not make it we ended up taking it back that night and exchanging it for another movie. We got Taken. Good movie. The plott is good, the acting is pretty good, you want to see the good guy succeed and you really see some of the lower aspects of traveling alone and how tourist countries can be just very dangerous. A man's daughter goes to Europe with a friend unaware that they were going to be alone. They meet what seems to be a harmless man at the airport and are later kidnapped as a result. They are kidnapped and forced into protestution and drug use. Also you really find yourself enthralled in the tactics that the father uses to find his daughter. Great movie. Highly recommend it to anyone looking for a action film.

The next movie we went and saw with our friends. The Hangover. Flippin' hilarious. Great laugh and totally random moments. Neither Bryan nor myself have ever gotten drunk and had a hangover but you really go through what they are going through. It is about a group of guys that take their friend to Vegas for his bachelor party and find themselves drugged with Roofies the next morning. What one of them thought was ectasy was actually the date rape drug and gave each of them a dose. They wake up the next morning remembering nothing and missing the groom. They have 48 hours to find him and get him back for his wedding. So the plott is great in them trying to remember what they did and following whatever clues they can find. Funny, funny, and more funny moments. Loved it and highly recommend it to anyone looking for a little raunchy comedy with tons of twists.

The last but not least one that we watched this past week was Gran Torino. Another great movie with a classic Clint Eastwood that we both grew to love as the film went on. It was a great plot, great acting, and wonderful deep characters that you could find yourself relating to and feeling sympathy and love for. We both loved and it is a great movie that we recommend to anyone. It is about an old man who loses his wife and finds himself befriending his asian neighbors especially the young son and daughter that are finding themselves unwilling involved with an Asian gang. The gang is a fellow cousin that is obsessed with turning the young man bad in his ways and wants him to join his crew. The boy agrees at first and his innitiation is to steal a car, the beautiful Gran Torino his old neighbor (Clint Eastwood) owns. His nieghbor spoils his plan in stealing the car and makes the boy realize it is not what he wants. The gang members sour over his decision try to force him into the gang Clint Eastwood steps in to save the family. He finds himself trying harder and harder to make his old neighbor nicer and protecting this family. It is really good!
Well considering we watched four movies and liked 3 of the 4 then I think that we did pretty well on our watching of the movies this week. Until next time...