New foster dog
Tuesday, September 14, 2010 by Monkey and Britter Brit
We now have another foster dog in our home. Since Buddy had found a good home and everything is going well with him (they even kept his name we gave him), we decided to help another animal in need. Olive is our latest addition and she is greatly in need of our help. She is a black lab and she is probably about 2 or 3. They are not very sure on her age because of how skinny and malnutrious she is. She is only about 20 pounds and that is bad for her age and height. She was brought in with another black lab male and she was so skinny that they figured there was no way she was pregnant. Well, she was and had a total of 6 puppies but only 4 survived. She was nursing them for 7 weeks before they had to take her away from them because she was losing weight and the puppies were taking all her nutrients she was getting through her food. So we are now caring for her for 3 days now. She is, without a doubt, the sweetest, well manored, and adorable dog I have ever had the pleasure to meet. She is very submissive and house trained which is great for us. She eats a lot which is good. We have been feeding her high calorie puppy kibble and any left overs we have to her to get her to gain good weight. I noticed this morning as I was looking at her in the front yard and her coat is getting shiney which means she is getting some good nutrients and hopefully we can help her get back to her healthy weight. She is scared to death of anyone she is not used to though. We can tell she was abused, most likely by a male. I don't say that to be sexest but when you have a rescue dog they have a tendency to bond greater with genders that they know they can trust and she is not sure of Bryan yet still. She follows me everywhere around the house and the yard but she runs from Bryan. It is nothing Bryan has done, I just think she was abused by a tall male that just makes her run and hide at the sight of any of them. She sleeps at the foot of the bed at night and barks when she needs to go out. She went out 5 times the first night we had her, three the next, then last night only once. She drinks a lot of water and eats about 3 huge bowels of food a day. But we are so excited to help her and get her a good home that will give her the tender love and care that she needs.
Our computer died officially. So I can't upload photos from my camera yet. But this last weekend I went down to the Ruby Marshes. Bryan had to work the whole weekend so he did not get to come with. But Blue and I, after my lab on Saturday, loaded up the car and made the four hour drive. The Ruby Marshes are outside of Wells, NV which is just west of Wendover, NV. It is a heck of a drive that is for sure. Blue kept some good company though when he wasn't sleeping. My mom, dad, Aunt Nancy, and Joe went up the day before and set up camp in their trailer. Blue and I got there just after two o'clock in the afternoon. Just in time to have a meal, talk for a bit, and then head down to the dikes to fish. The Ruby marshes really are ideal if you have a bass boat for but you can fish off the shore for some of the smaller fish and an occasional big one. We fished and I was the only that caught a keeper. We ended up driving around afterwards and enjoying the beautiful mountain range that surround the marshes. They are amazing mountains for sure. We then went back and ate dinner, sat around the fire, set up my little tent for me and Blue, and hit the sack. Blue was such a good boy on the trip. He only did not mind once and went to the neighboring camp and said hi to their golden retriever. He just slept next to me and tried chewing his harness a couple of times. We woke up and went fishing again and really had no luck at all. The fish just were not really biting probably because it was so late in the year. We then went to the water fall that comes out of the mountain, the fish hatchery, and then went back to fix me a lunch and then Blue and I drove back.
Whenever my computer works again or I can find a way to get the photos to upload, I will post the photos of all of our latest ventures. The only reason I have the one I have of Olive is it was sent to me by email. I will update as soon as I can.