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Monday, January 25, 2010 by Monkey and Britter Brit

Also we have started watching the Discovery channel a lot more and Bryan and I have found a really cool series that talks a lot about animals and their ability to adapt to extreme circumstances. It is called Planet Earth Extremes. From the peaks of mountains to the dark abyss below. It is really fascinating to watch and we enjoy the show. It shows every Sunday starting at 8:00 pm and then again at 10:00 pm.

We also enjoyed watching the show Taboo. It is really interesting telling about all the Taboo in the world that different people are out there doing. Taboo is something that cannot be mentioned because of it's sacredness. It is really fascinating as well to discover different cultural beliefs. Such as there are people who will eat and live solely off the garbage of society and that they feel that the world is too wasteful. They literally get their food, clothes, and anything in their homes from the garbage bins behind stores and restaurants.