Christmas, New Years, and January
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 by Monkey and Britter Brit
Well, alot has happened since our last blog.
Since I have not mentioned it yet just letting the reader know Bryan and I throw a paper route in north Salt Lake every morning. We throw Deseret News, Salt Lake Tribune, Wall Street Journals, and Financial Times to the nice homes just on the mountain. This is good and bad because yes it has help in funding Christmas and funding bills to pay things off early but at the same time it has hurt us physically. We are exhausted and don't get alot of sleep because we have to do this everyday but I have found that some of our best moments are in this route. We talk more and laugh and argue and have fun and pissed off all at the same time and it is good in that way.

Christmas was wonderful for both of us. We received wonderful gifts from our wonderful family and friends and are greatful for how greatly we are blessed. We continued with our usual family tradition on Christmas Eve having warm home made clam chowder before going down town for a lovely carriage ride around the down town area. We had a wonderful time taking in the Christmas spirit and looking at the beautiful temple and it's lights. We went home sleeping in my old bedroom. The only thing that made the Christmas spirit die just a little was the fact not only did I have to get up at 2:00 am for the paper route that Bryan and I throw but also the fact that while I threw the paper route I backed into another vehicle. Not the best Christmas story ever. But once I was home the day was wonderful. I went home and fell asleep for another few hours and woke up to my family singing happy birthday and bringing me breakfast in bed. We then opened our presents and got everything we asked for. A new phone for me and a Rock Band for Bryan. We spent the rest of the day enjoying family and received a bar-b-que grill as well for Bryan and myself. I can't wait to try it out and have family over for some good food and company. We ended the day with an excellent meal and a movie with my sister and her boyfriend, Danny. We went and saw Marley and Me. Great movie but the ending is a big tear jerker! I found that Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston made a good combination in this film.

New Years was great as well. We spent the evening playing games and watching movies at our great friends house Kenny and Gayle Murdock. The food was great, the company was even better and we both fell asleep an hour before midnight. It was wonderful!

January has been filled with anticipation and excitement and we JUST WANT LEAVEness! We are going on a cruise at the end of this month on a Exotic Western Carribean Cruise on Norwegian Cruise Lines. We will be visiting Belize, Santos Thomas del Castillo, Cozumel, Costa Maya all wonderful ports with lots to do. Not to mention that we get to leave out of New Orleans. I must admit we are loooking forward to the food and going with family and friends but the biggest thing of all is we don't have to be up at 2 am the entire cruise. YEAH!!! WOO HOO !!! We will take many pictures and keep all up to date. I will try to post more of what is going on as things present themselves. God bless.