Tuesday, December 23, 2008
by Monkey and Britter Brit
Blogging is something a little new to this brand new family so be patient as we learn. The latest is that it is Christmas in 2 days! My birthday as well (this is obviously Brittney if you have not guessed by now). I never actually thought I would make it to see the end of this year. It has been bumpy with a number of things whether it was finances, doggies, or my cat getting ran over by an SUV and actually living through the experience unharmed. I have had my share of scares, loves, and laughs throughout the year. Fond memories of this year will forever fill our minds being our first year of marriage. Getting sealed in the Salt Lake Temple one year after our wedding and buying our first truck together. The many fights that filled the north Salt Lake mornings as papers are thrown throughout the air but the many laughs we enjoyed in being silly in our endeavors. The many wonderful conversations that we have had in expressing our opinions to one another and cheesy moments that continue to fill our relationship and keep our hearts young. We are both now one year wiser for the better and both have learned
alot this year. I have learned not to try and wake up Bryan in the morning nicely but you have to shake him for a while to see any real signs of life but be careful in the shaking for the evil creature that dwells within will find itself upon the surface as a result. Bryan has learned not to leave his boxers in the sink and even a
dandielion from the weed infested lawn will thrill his wife even more and just to see him. We have realized that we both greatly depend on one another and I can't wait to have another year of marriage and find myself learning all the little
korks of that which we call our marriage and family.
So Happy Holidays to all we love, you are all so dear, and here's to another wonderful year surrounded with such wonderful friends, family, and a great husband!
Here is but a small montage our some (not even all of them) of our wonderful adventures this year.

(from the left to right)
Brittney, Bryan, Danny, and Darcy
This is us before we started the very long treck thru the Zion National Park's Narrows. We were not as smiley when we got out. This is a hard overnight hike and kicked all of our butts!
Brittney and Bryan in the Narrows chillin' on a log together
This is Bryan posing for Brittney at Topaz Mountain for Father's Day
The Whole Family at Topaz Mountain
Brittney Pop, Randy and Bryan in front of Milenial Falls in Oregon for our family vacation to Depoe Bay, OR
Brittney and Bryan at the Cape Meares Lighthouse outside of Depoe Bay, OR for our annual family vacation
Our Sealing Day, September 20th, 2008 with all who came to the temple to congradulate us! Woo Hoo!

Our Sealing Day!
Brittney with her escort Brieanna Ward, A Great Friend and Sister!

I have to say that if it were not for these two women sitting with me, you probably would see me on America's Most Wanted. My sister, Darcy on the left has helped me with alot of things this year and my mother, Cindy on the left has been my guard dog and has protected me in so many ways and has saved me from myself even. She is the most wonderful woman and I can only pray that I will be half the woman she is. I love her so much and with all my heart!

And here are some pictures of the love birds