Been too long
Monday, August 31, 2009 by Monkey and Britter Brit
Wow it has been a while since we have posted a blog. I suck I know. Well let's start with the job update. Bryan is still out of work but he is studying currently to take the electrical union test at the end of September and hopefully get on with union work and have a job with actual benefits which would be very nice. He is continuing to do as much as he can to find another job. Well I got another job though. Starting on the 8th of September I will be doing janitorial work at the church office building that they have in Riverton right after work. It will be nice I think plus I will not have to get up at 2:00 am with Bryan every morning to throw the paper route. Bryan is going to keep throwing the route until he is employed and then no more 2:00 am. Woo hoo! We recently added a new addition to our family. His name is Blue and he is an Australian Sheppard/Beagle mix. He is such a cute dog and we love him to death. We named him Blue because of his sky blue eye that he has. His other eye is also turning green and so we will have a green blue eyed dog. We saw him and just melted. We had to get him. So yes we have three dogs now. Don't worry we are applying for a kennel license so we can have them all legally. Darcy's wedding is getting closer and closer. We had her bridal shower this weekend and it was fun. She got so many little lingerie things she was very happy with the turnout. She has some wonderful people around her to spoil her for her shower. I got her a black and red teddy that she likes and luckily fits her perfectly. We also recently went down to Goblin Valley and helped them take their bridal pictures. She is so beautiful in her dress and I can't believe that she is getting married. I am so happy for her. Her wedding is on the 18th of September at the Memorial Grove Park. Also another good note would be the fact that I have lost 48.5 pounds to look better at her wedding. I have gone from a 22 to a 16 in 3 months. More weight to lose but I think I can do it. I am excited to wear my dress also. Also just an update on our movie watching. We have not got to see much lately but have seen The Last House on the Left recently. It was a good movie but oh my goodness the rape scene in it would make anyone sick to their stomach. It is terrible to watch. I couldn't watch it. ME of all people who loves scary, creepy, and disturbing movies. I could not watch it. Also I recently have watched Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Burn After Reading, and The Year of the Dog. Nick and Norah was a cute movie. I love the actors and actresses in it and it was really a different film that you grow to like alot. Burn After Reading got too complicated though. I was lost through most of the movie and the ending was really terrible actually. The Year of the Dog was different also. I liked it just... different. Well this is a pretty big update and if I think of anything else that we forgot to share I will definately let you all know. Later.